I know before I even say anything there are some people who will say, they do it just to get our attention. Well, they got my attention alright! Here is a young couple, with their baby in tow, going through a mansion with the real estate agent,and they pause at the foot of the sweeping grand staircase,and she tells them the price is Five Million dollars, and asks if they have financing in place,and in response, the man digs out his four little railroad tickets...his winning tickets from McDonalds! Then on the screen, it shows the winnings from his tickets are exactly, $5 mill. Okay? If they stopped it right there, I might be able to accept this as a pipedream that says, hey, if you play, you might win, and be able to buy that house of your dreams. But no, they carry it out to the nth degree,and go off into an alternate reality that implies that this agent is going to giggle and say Okay! and totally accept this as earnest money completely overlooking the fact that just because she said it was priced at Five Million, that that is all it's going to cost somebody to get into that house. Or, that she believes that these winning tickets are going to add up to the whole Five million dollars in his hot little hand, without loosing some of that money to the IRS for taxes! This commercial is insulting to our intelligence,assuming we are ignorant enough to take our five million dollars, and go out and buy a five million dollar house! Everybody knows you would have to pay taxes, furnish and insure the house, pay utilities, hire a staff, and pay for maintenance and upkeep,plus silly stuff, like clothes and food for your family! So my question is, why do they do that? Why do they portray this young man and woman as being so idiotic as to think that just because they have won all this money, supposedly, that they would run right out and promise to spend every dime on one piece of property? Are we to assume that this little mother is independently wealthy, and they have no need for ready cash to buy diapers and baby bottles or formula? Or that by the way this man is dressed, we can tell he is of the upper crust and so "GQ" he has no need for a decent wardrobe or a nice car? I didn't get that impression...did you? No? So who do they think we are, just a bunch of hicks that fell off the turnip truck and will start dreaming how we will spend our winnings the next time we drive-Thru for our sandwich and fries and coke? The truth is, Yeah, that is exactly what they think we will do, and who we are! That in hopes of winning all that money, we will just hustle right on over to their stores and just stuff ourselves with their high-carb, greasy fattening food,and slurp down all those sugary drinks,and munch out on those fruit pies, and let our kids do it too, all in hopes of winning some money with which to make all our pipe dreams come true!
Now that is insulting!