I have to admit, I don't quite get it. Maybe someone can help me out here. Why would a rich woman,an American citizen, go to Africa to adopt a child? There are thousands of children right here in the good old USA,living in orphanages, and foster homes, just waiting for someone to come and choose them, take them home and love them. Why make this grandstand play, and a big deal about taking an African child home? Okay. I get that she wants to take a child who otherwise wouldn't have a chance to grow up, healthy, with the advantages she can give to a pitiful little waif, but obviously this child HAS a father, who now wants his child Back! So, what is this? Is Madonna just trying to show the world how wonderful she is? Did she already try to adopt a child and get turned down because of her lifestyle, or reputation? She already has children, doesn't she? So what is the big deal? If the hunger and disease afflicting African children moves her so much, why not do something really spectacular, and set up a foundation to feed and medically treat hundreds, or even thousands of children, instead of buying a kid from a father, and taking it home with her? Oh, Wait! She didn't even do that, did she? No. She flew home to the states,and had the child's "Nanny" take the child, and fly to London with it. What is up with that? If she loves this child, then why isn't it with her, instead of in London with a Nanny?
Hm. I guess we will all have to watch the "Oprah" show on Wednesday to find out what the deal is. That's right. Madonna is going to be telling Oprah all about it...Or so they say. I just wonder if all these questions will be answered then.
Seriously? I doubt it. What do you want to bet, she sings!