Thundering at us. like a herd of turtles! The television Ads! The heated up political spots,the candy and costume ads for trick or treat,and the beginnings of the Christmas toys and gifts, all rushing at us together, just at a time when we should be making serious decisions, we have an atmosphere artificially created to make us worry, stress, and vacillate on our choices! Even headache remedies are doing their part to confuse and irritate us, don't you think? See, myself, personally, I think that this "head-on" campaign was done just the way they planned it, and in my opinion, the whole thing was underhanded. You might even think they were ganging up on us, to make us rush to judgment,but don't let them do that to you!
The old saying goes, " Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party!" I agree. But first, turn off your t.v.! Sit back, take a deep breath, and consider. Have things changed all that much about your party that now is the time to bail on them? I doubt it. People being who they are, everyone makes mistakes, and there are as many bad buys and bad guys out there as there were before.
So, have fun on Halloween,and spend some time quietly considering whom you will vote for, and then look ahead to the holidays with optimism.Life is good,enjoy it while you have it!