I have noticed, as you probably have, that a great many of the commercials for automobiles, have featured some old rock and even classical selections. I have really enjoyed them, but I have not scrutinized them, categorized them, or written them down. I like the "zoom-zoom" one, it was advertising Mazda,but I wouldn't go so far as to call that a song.The only other commercials that use songs,are the Chevy Aveo, and they use that wonderful Sonny and Cher tune, "I got you babe!" But unfortunately, they didn't use the original artists on the commercial, so that just makes it kind of sad really. I mean, I would think the song would be public domain by now...and if not, then they had to redo it, so they didn't have to pay any royalties. Gee. You wouldn't think Chevy would have to make commercials on the cheap, would you? Then there's the Honda CRV, which uses Elvis' "Hunka Burnin' love!" And then, there's "Slash?" Playing several VW speakers on his guitar, but don't ask me to tell you what...ah...song?...he's playing!
I also was totally captivated by the one where they played the Jazz Classic "Rhapsody In Blue"...again, I don't recall what the make of the car was they were showing off, and then there was that other one, where they play the "Morning Mood" from the Peer Gynt suite, but frankly, all the car makers have turned what used to be distinctively styled vehicles into little silver boxes with wheels, so who knows what was being driven (on a closed track by professional drivers)! There is another commercial I enjoy, where they are driving down through town,and suddenly everything starts turning upside down,but with that one I haven't a clue what the song was, or the make of the car.In fact, the final commercial that uses an actual song for the vehicle, is Chevy's " Like a Rock !" Campaign, which to me is still wonderful, but then, it's a truck they are advertising, not a car.
Once again, the car makers have gone so far out of their way to make the cars "safe" and "collision tested" impressive, fuel efficient, with air bags and anti-lock brakes, they have managed to remove all traces of the distinctive designs that any child could have identified the make, model and year of a car from a block away, to the point that you can be right up on top of the machine, and still be wondering what the heck it is.
So, don't ask me what other songs they play for car commercials,because I don't know! It's not like it's a GTO, or a Cobra,both of which had their own song!
Personally, I'm still holding out for a Bic car!