Between peaks and valleys, this road of life just keeps going on,and when you're busy you often don't stop and give much thought to your every day behavior. You just do what you do, and live your life. Perhaps once in a while you might catch something peripherally, out of the corner of your eye, but on the whole,unless someone points something out to you, you really don't see much happening. Of course, that is myself. I don't sit around and watch how others respond to my every move. I am not that self-conscious. The only exception to that statement might be when there has been a confrontation, or an unusual episode, such as an unannounced visit. Well, I wouldn't call it a confrontation, but on Wednesday,my Birthday, my daughter-in-law asked her sister and a couple of men friends to come and help her to clean out her truck,because she had a special run to make early Thursday,and the cleaning had to be done before Bible Study at 7 p.m.. When she told me about it, I was caught off-guard, because I was spending the day very casually, not expecting anyone, and so I hadn't on a stitch of make-up,hadn't curled my hair, or even bothered to get out of my comfy gown. Okay, I admit it. I was being lazy, because it was, My Birthday,and I took full advantage of the fact. In a way, I was consoling myself that Sherry wouldn't be able to make it over, because she was in the Hospital ( it has to do with her pacemaker,and the stress Mrs. Minx from next door to her has put on her.) So there I was, with my bare face hanging out, wearing my Alice blue gown,and wifey-poo says, by the way mom, these people are coming over,and I thought I'd better let you know! Let me know? The time for letting me know, and having me respond to this notice of mere minutes had come and gone! I barely know her sister, and didn't know these men from a hill of beans, and if my best friend isn't coming, and Yon son and Wifey-poo are alright with my grooming and attire, does she really think I am going to go into a tizzy and throw myself together for total strangers, coming to help her clean out her truck? Bzzt! Wrong! So, in the nicest way possible, I said, Okay. I understand that you need their help, but I am not going to invite them in,not because I wish to be rude, but because I am not dressed for company. I was ensconced in the dining room where it was cool and I was up to my elbows in paperwork, and Yon son was cooking in the kitchen, so I knew he would play host for me, and provide them with cold drinks,and a dash to the bathroom, if necessary,and whatever cleaning supplies they might require. And yet, when the sister did arrive, she came into the dining room with an armload of things for me for my birthday. Things her mother had on hand that she knew I would like. Nothing wrapped, but strictly off the cuff, and however nice the gesture, it still did not garner an invite to dinner or cake,and she was fine with that...seems she had been having stomach problems anyway. But later, once the work was almost done, and wifey was trying to build a fire under her helpers, she told them that the job had to be done before Bible study, and that seemed to really motivate them! Come to find out, two things. One was, that all the time they were working on the truck, she had to keep reminding them to watch their language,and that the one most inspired to move things along instead of dragging his feet was into Wicca. 'Nuf said? However, even more interesting, was the fact that the whole clan on that side of the family has been impacted by our normal lifestyle. Things we do together as a matter of course, such as reminding our visitors to watch their language, and praying for one another in times of trouble, and every day references to God, such as Praise the Lord when something good happens, and we know that only God could have done it, and reading the Bible,these are starting to make themselves felt, or shall we say, are rubbing off on that side of the family! Even the unrelated fellow, who has been into Wicca, now is starting to turn himself around, back to the Lord, and that is nothing short of a miracle right there! And, Wifey's Mother has dug out her Bible, and has it sitting in a prominent place,and it doesn't seem to be collecting much dust, either!
The Point being, of course, that even if you aren't aware of it, people are watching you, and what you say, and what you do,and that all has an impact far beyond what you now know. Your reverence for the Lord may be just a drop in the middle of a tranquil pool, but it could cause ripples to go on out far beyond your sphere of influence,reaching into the lives of individuals that you may never know in this life, but it may have been, or will be enough to change where they spend eternity.
Oh! One more thing. Lest you consider my not inviting those men into my house that day as rude, the one man said he understood the situation, and he respected my wishes, and he hoped that some day he would be invited over, and be allowed to meet me. This is the man who is now considering leaving Wicca behind, and going to Christianity!