It has been a long time since I've felt inspired to speak of this, but when we have been given beautiful answers to prayers, really, I just can't help it! I've got to talk about it! Of course, I see answers to prayer all the time, because in a world such as we live in, there is going to be trouble on every hand,and unlike most, our family's first reaction to problems is prayer. We don't go nutsy and try everything else first,and then use prayer as the last resort, because nothing happens unless God wants it that way. Yes, I know that is contrary to everyday thought, but then,I'm not talking about piddly little things that one can handle on their own. If you can pay that bill, or see that child healed, or accomplish what looks to be impossible without God's help, then by all means, go for it, but when the funds going out amount to more than what is coming in, you don't need to just make a phone call, you need a miracle! Or when a loved one has been diagnosed with a terrible disease that is life threatening, it is past time to fall on your knees and pray for their healing...or at the very least, that God reveal himself to that person in such a way as to bring them to the cross of Calvary,so they, and you, can be assured they will be going home to be with the Lord when they leave this earth. After all, it is grief enough to have a loved one die,but to have them go, and know that you won't be with them again in this life is bad enough...but to further know that they died unsaved,and their soul is lost forever, and you will never see them again is the stuff that a Christian's nightmares are made of. And it is even harder to take when you know that even after witnessing to them, and praying for them, they still turned away from God. Naturally, in the end, you have to console yourself with the knowledge that each person has free will, and in the end, it is their choice,and yet, there is always that thought in the back of your mind, did I do all I could do? Did I pray enough? Did I make it simple and clear enough to them,or did I give up too soon?
That is why it is such a thrill to know Yon son is saved, Wifey-poo is saved, my very best friend is saved,and now another dear one's mother, whom I have promised to pray for her healing and her husbands peace of mind and ease from the pain she has been going through has been answered in such a glorious way, that I can hardly contain myself! And as that dear lady sat by her mother's side, administering medication, her mother turned to her and said, "Do you hear it?" It was singing...beautiful voices singing "Nearer my God to thee!" My dear friend didn't hear it, but her mother did. Over and over this has happened, and I can only conclude that this is a way the Lord has chosen to reveal himself to her, in a personal way,just as I had prayed for. With that praise report, I am inspired to pray even harder. Now is not the time to give up! But to forge ahead,asking the Father to heal and reveal and ease and all of those things, and more!
A while back I watched a program where this nun was talking about prayer, what is appropriate, and what is not. She went so far as to say that some people pray for things that they shouldn't pray for. That to ask too much of God is presumptuousness, and he won't honor such prayers. However, my Bible says that God said,"My people have not, because they ask not!" So, I say let God decide what he will honor, and what he will not honor, and if he thinks you're asking too much, I don't believe he will strike you with lightening for asking. As Mom used to say, God always answers prayer, it's just, sometimes, he says no.
However, if you ask righteously, fervently, and humbly, more often he will answer your prayers, far above what you could ever think to seek,as he has this time!