Sometimes, no matter what you do, things just don't go your way. I am in one of those situations right now, and it's darned annoying, but it isn't going to stop me from doing the things I want and need to do.There are forces beyond our ability to see them, working behind the scenes, in order to keep our best efforts from being effective, or to prevent us from going forward. And, it is not just a coincidence that this coincides with our seeing a breakthrough in our walk with God. NO. The truth is, the enemy would like to shatter our resolve to live for God,and they come against you even more strongly just after we see a great moving of the Lord. This is normal, and should be expected, but it always catches me off guard. There I am, feeling victorious,and exalting in his power and love and might, and wham! Suddenly everything I do, everything I touch just doesn't turn out as it should. Right now it's my printer,and it is very important to me,but for some reason, I just can't get it to's a long story..... And yet,it's okay. Because God on the mountain is still God in the valley! I'm just going to keep on holding on to that nail-scarred hand, and HE will make it all turn out alright!
I Just know it.
I love you all. Praise God for the miracles he has performed, and please pray for me,and I'll pray for you, too!
UPDATE! PRAISE THE LORD! I just logged in on my way to church services...(welll actually I already have the service playing, minimized, while the opening songs are being done,and guess what? After hours and hours of working to get it going last night, I just shut it down last night,gave it to God,and when I came in today, my printer responded like it had healed itself overnight!