This last week- end, on early Sunday afternoon, when there is usually nothing worthwhile to me on the local channels, I was fortunate enough to tune in on a wonderful program, with horse event riding,show jumping, and dressage, on NBC! It was great. Now, I haven't watched any horse events since Chris took that terrible fall years ago, but now, well, it just felt right to stay and watch, and I am so glad that I did. It was almost two hours of cross-country,hurdle jumping heart pounding beauty on horseback, and tho it was beamed from Germany, I was totally in love with all of it. True, there was a sense of not seeing as much of the dressage as I would have liked, just short clips at the end of each glistening horse's ride, but it was enough to get an idea of how well each horse did. Leading in each event, was the daughter of Princess Anne of England, and her husband, Captain Mark Phillips, both prominent,well-schooled horsemen,and of course, mom and dad were right there to cheer their talented daughter on. Zara Phillips, on her horse, ToyTown, came in first in every event, and eventually took the Gold Medal!
There was even some clips of Rodeo events, such as Reigning, which I thought was absolutely fabulous,but you can check out all of that on their website. Oh yeah!As an added bonus for me,there is a website, Horse, where you can see and hear more! It's one of my new favorites!