There always seems to be a dispute between men and women, regarding women's use of beauty products. For some men, they don't like to see any woman using them, and I guess it goes back to poor old mom, who never touched powder or lipstick or perfume, and they feel a "good woman" shouldn't use those things,or doesn't use them, so if they see a "painted up" female, she is automatically not a lady. For some area's of the population, namely, certain whole churches, they hold this view for the simple reason that in ancient times, prostitutes wore lip rouge to advertise their occupation or "status" in the community. On this point, I cannot say that I blame them. Personally, I have never liked lipstick. I hate the way it feels on my mouth. I don't like the smell or the taste of it, and I absolutely despise the way certain colors make your teeth look yellow, or kissing someone and leaving half of it on their face, or worse, having to kiss the air next to their cheek,so as not to mess up your make-up! Affectionate behavior should be unguarded and spontaneous,without artifice or plan, within the bounds of good taste.
However. Here we go again with certain sects ripping out whole sections of the word of God, adhering to and honoring the parts they like or agree with, and ignoring that which they do not like, or pretending they don't exist. In the Jewish lexicon it is pointed out with much fanfare and glee that the potential bridegroom goes away after his intended bride drinks from the cup of wine he pours for her, indicating that she accepts him as her betrothed,and he can spend as long as a year or more preparing a place for him to take her to, but leave out the fact that during that same year or more, she spends not only assembling her attendants who will then wait up night after night listening for his call to take her away, but also she puts forth a massive effort to beautify herself for her husband with lotions, creams, balms and moisturizers,and all manner of cosmetics to enhance her looks, just for the delight of her husband. This is followed up with jewelry and fine clothing, and all, not just for the time of preparation, but laying in a supply to last her many years. Well now, if women in ancient times were fairly instructed to do this in order to please their husbands throughout their marriage, then why are the strictly fundamental churches of today denying women of the right to wear make-up, telling them to wear only cheap jewelry, and scoping out their clothes to determine whether or not they are "matronly" enough? I'm all for modest dress, but let's not get ridiculous here. NO man wants his wife stumping around in flat, unbecoming shoes, and wearing skirts that are shapeless, drab and coming just to a length that hits her leg in the most unflattering way...mid-calf. Even a beauty looks plain in orthopedic oxfords and brown tweed suits sporting a broach worth less than $40,with her unconditioned, unstyled hair in a bun at the back of her head without a ribbon or a curl, and her face dried out with soap and water, and no moisturizer to keep her from wrinkling up like a prune,and not a stitch of make-up on. This is not the way to keep a husband interested in his wife,particularly if he is married to a blonde or a redhead. Take away our eyebrow pencil and other eye make-up, we look like we have no expression whatever, like two burned holes in a sheet! This is a recipe for a woman looking old before her time! Not at all attractive, to my way of thinking.
Meanwhile, everywhere you look, are advertisements for all sorts of things that help even a plain girl create the illusion of beauty,and the husband sees them and thinks, wow, I sure wish....and wives see them and think...if only...! Now, I know what the basic attitude here is,and it's this. The church is of the belief that once a woman is married, she should only be attractive to her husband. That cosmetics and jewelry and pretty clothes are appropriate only up until she is wed,and then she should tone it all down so she doesn't catch the eye of any other man. But husbands are still men. It is more important for a man to find his wife alluring once they have settled down together, because he still has that eye, and wants to see her looking and smelling good for him. Otherwise she becomes the same old, same old, only worse, and no matter what he professes to believe is right, those thoughts are going to be rolling in his brain.
And finally, sooner or later, he is bound to hear things on the radio, such as was brought to my attention yesterday morning, by Yon son. He listens to a certain talk show in the morning just before quitting time, hosted by two or three men and a girl, that come out with some of the most outrageous things to talk about, and laugh uproariously over them. From time to time, he will come boiling through the door,and hurriedly tune in the kitchen radio, so that I can get in on the fun. Well, he didn't do that yesterday, but he did come in with a smirk on his face,and didn't seem to want to talk about whatever it was that was so funny,but I was just eaten up with curiosity, so he said, before I go to bed, let's go on line,and look up "FunBetty"....but he wouldn't tell me anymore, other than this was the hot topic of this mornings laugh fest on the radio.
Well! I certainly do not recommend this site to anyone. All I can say is, this is as far at the other end of the spectrum of the body of my blog as one can get,and yet, it is sure to be a source of interest to men and women who do believe in the use of cosmetics...and a source of wonderment to men whose wives are forced to forego the enhancement of even a minuscule amount of make-up.
And, for those of you who do visit, once you pick your jaw up off the floor, or stop laughing, let me know what you thought.
Posted by: Rick | September 29, 2006 at 07:57 PM