I know people who feel it is more important to get to church, than to stop and help a fellow traveler on the road.Literally, spiritually, or figuratively speaking,any way you want to look at it, that is their creed. Now, these aren't pagans, these are Christians,supposedly,and they don't want to get their hands dirty,by reaching out to the poor, they don't want to take time away from being in that building, rubbing shoulders with other saints, to stop and listen to a girl in tears, and find out what is wrong. And to hear them talk about it later,they did the right thing to pass up that opportunity to be a blessing to a precious hungry soul, so they could hurry along their way, to be on time to appear to be "holy". Well, to my way of thinking, the good Lord did not give us such astounding abilities of communication,just for our amusement, or to have a platform to pontificate from. He did it, so that those in need of our prayers and counsel could reach us,and we could be instant in response, seeking our Lord's face, and then passing along what we believe the Lord has given us to say to them,right away! Not, when I get around to it, not, later after I've had a meal and some sleep, But Now! Now, when the need is great, and that dear one is hanging on by a thread, waiting and hoping for an answer that will take this feeling of oppression off their souls, and help them to feel His love and His glory surrounding them and lightening their load! Christians who have been afforded the opportunity to be on line,and have a computer did not get those things so they could engage in foolishness...none of this happened by accident! If The Lord made a way for you to be where you are, then how can you deny anyone who comes to you for a word or a prayer,simply because it may be inconvenient for you, at that point in time, to take the time to do it? I mean, how selfish can people be? Remember,those to whom much is given, much is expected! Now, that may seem like a dry, trite saying meant for the very rich, but it is not. It is meant for every child of God who names the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and savior! We are the salt of the earth,and the light of the world. Salt preserves,and light illuminates, wherever it goes,and each of us are to carry that light to whomsoever needs it, and wants it. I don't care if you are a preacher,or a lay person,check yourself and your behavior.While you are basking in the glow of the Love of God, there are scores of hurting, hungry hearts and souls dying out there, who need to hear what you know,and if your "effort to reach the world" is just every now and then tapping out a nice little sermonette, that tickles their ears and doesn't ever get down to the heart of the matter of a Loving God who reaches down into hell to redeem us, or of his son who suffered and died to save us, and his resurrection power,then what good are you? Hmm? Yeah. And I'm going to get to you people who have a blog and talk about this church you started here,and that church you planted there, but don't have anything interesting to say to the unsaved who might happen upon your site, don't know what you're talking about when you say you planted a church,and go away with the feeling that you either buried a building because it was unsafe, or that you plant trees! I'm a Christian, and I wasn't even sure, myself! Instead of that gobbledygook you call church talk,and all the boastful bragging you go on with, giving no glory to God, and never mentioning how to get saved, or the sinners prayer,try getting real, and telling HOW you start churches, and how the Lord moved on your behalf, how he blessed your efforts to turn things around so you could overcome the snags and roadblocks God's enemies always puts in our way to hinder the work of the Lord. How can I say that? I can say that,because getting anything done for the work of the Lord is never easy, If you are, in fact, doing his work. Of course,if what you are doing is not directed by the Lord,then you will experience little opposition to whatever it is you are doing. So, if you have all the funds necessary to build beautiful little perfect churches, that will then be used by perfect little people who will use it to sing their songs,and go about their rituals,and hold their happy Sunday services, wherein no one sheds a tear, no hearts are convicted of sin, and no one gets saved,and when it's over they all go home in the same wretched condition in which they came, but they" feel good about themselves",then I understand why you have no trouble to speak of. You are no threat to the enemy of God's people. You are causing no upheaval in the ranks, and you most certainly are not on the battlefield for the Lord. What you are doing, is playing church. You never wake up in the middle of the night crying after having a vision of a world that is lost and dying, without God. It never brings you to tears to hear that an acquaintance has passed away, whom, the last you knew, was not saved. I'm sorry to say this, but if this describes you, then you need to get saved, friend. Then God can take away that heart of stone,and give you one that is flesh, and you will be tenderhearted,and begin to see this life from on high,as God sees it,and begin to see God's handiwork every day, in ordinary lives. But, of course, it's a trade-off. You will no longer be able to float around in that golden bubble where nothing bothers you, just as long as it doesn't touch your life, personally. And, when you try to do something for the work of the Lord, you will experience opposition,because then your work will have a purpose,and eternal consequences. You might even have the thrill of seeing someone get saved,and know you had something to do with it. And when someone comes to you, and asks you to take of your valuable time to pray for them, you shall feel the urgings of the Holy Spirit to do that now! And it won't matter if you're tired, and droopy eyed, or hungry with a grumbling, growling stomach. Not at all! With a joy in your heart you will fly to that secret place, fall on your knees, and seek the face of the Lord God almighty on behalf of that dear precious soul,with salty tears coursing down your cheeks,you will feel again that quiet divine presence that makes the roots of your hair tingle,and sends goosebumps down your arms, and almost before you can form the words, the answer to your prayer will be written on your heart, or leap complete, into your brain. Naturally, it is a choice, whether or not to accept this unutterable gift of God. And those of us who have already accepted him, know that not everyone will. Many will wait, because they think they won't be able to have any fun anymore. Some will wait until the trump sounds, and Jesus calls God's children home, and then realize to their horror that they have waited too long...and the angels will weep for them.
But those of us who search for ways to be a blessing to others know and understand what I mean when I say, it is a privilege to be used of God to do whatever we can to reach the lost. It is what we were put here to do. Never turn it down, or turn your back on anyone who says, pray for me.