1.Drawing a bath early in the morning, and just letting it sit all day.When overcome by the heat, or sweat, how refreshing it is to just step into the tub, pour a couple of pitchers of water over yourself, step out and throw your gown or shorts back on...no towels necessary!
2.Doing all your cooking early in the day, while it is still relatively cool,and then chilling everything. Ah! Fresh food, and no heating up the kitchen!
3.Being led by the spirit, we set out a lot of tomatoes in the garden this year, keeping our grocery budget well supplied with salad goodies, along with the chives and the lettuce and corn we grow. He prompted us, and in response we inquired,and rented-to-own a large, powerful air conditioner,which cools the living room,dining room, and the bedrooms. We already had a small one for the bathroom and the kitchen, which is not as big and powerful, but together, at least they keep us fairly comfortable...so that we are not melting, thank God! We did not know how very much we were going to need these things, or these steps to be taken, but the Lord knew, Praise his holy name, and we give him all the honor and glory for it!
Oh! And the corn? It really is knee high by the fourth of July, and now, in August, is almost as high as an elephant's eye! No, really!