So much has gone on in the last two days, it's hard to organize my thoughts to tell you about them! We have been in close touch with Wifey-poo, and knew she was shooting for her home time about the time of my birthday,but it was a real shocker to get a call last night just before church, and be told she was dropping less than a hundred miles from us,and would be home this morning !! Wow! Yon son was totally energized, and it was all he could do to contain himself not to jump in the car and run up to meet her! But then, even though his heart said go, he looked around,and his head said, stay, and get ready for her homecoming! He wasn't happy with the way the house looked,and he definitely needed to go to the store and do some shopping. Even though I have mentioned how wonderful it is that he now has Sunday and Monday off from work, and that it is best for him to observe the "day of rest" he still was full of idea's and bouncing fifteen feet in the air that his lady-love would be home today,and he wanted to make it as nice a homecoming as he could, because, let's face it, Nobody wants the love of their life walking in the door and looking around and getting that expression on their face that tells you, they wish they were anyplace else! It has always been a family tradition to clean up before leaving the house, because I have always hated coming home to a mess.So I didn't have to say a word. To be truthful about it, I was so excited about my daughter(..okay,in-law,but that part slips my mind all the time,) coming home to be here for my birthday celebration, and with Bible study that night,and hopefully Sherry being here too, well I just wasn't thinking about the condition of the house...But bless his heart,Yon was. Now, our home is never a pit, you never have to kick a path to get through a room, but dishes, rinsed and stacked,pile up on the counter by the sink,and bags of chips and things do wind up on the counter-tops under the cupboards into which they should go, when I am alone and there is no one here to put them up where I cannot reach. As always, the laundry baskets get filled,carpets need vacuuming and rugs need shaking. But when herself is on her way home, each tiny flaw becomes a glaring imperfection, and at first blush through the door, she should see home, nothing more. So, needless to say, Yon son wore himself out straightening up last night,and then got up with me early for breakfast. Well, about the time I was having my second cup of mocha, and my pills were settling and kicking in, we got the call, that she was on her way. I was such a big help. Eyes at half-mast, and starting to nod off, I heard Yon son say to her, " I think mother is going back to bed, but call me when you get to town and get your rig parked,and I'll come down and pick you up." He put me back to bed,and it was lights out for me. The next thing I knew, Yon son was at my room door, saying Mom? Guess whose here! Of course, instantly I knew, surged up and got my feet under me,and she came in, and I just wrapped that wonderful girl in my arms and hugged and squeezed her, and kissed her forehead, and her cheeks and thanked God for bringing her safely back home to us,and just as any mother would, I held her a moment longer,telling her how much I loved her,and had missed her, and even caught myself rocking her a little, just as I would Yon son, reassuring myself my baby was home, and she indulged me that instant of cuddling her in my arms,understanding without words I was saying," mama is near." There has never been any stiffness,strangeness, or awkward moments between us, simply because I love her just as though she were my very own child,and I have since before they took their vows three years ago. Well. They put me in my chair and hustled me into the kitchen,and I saw with pleasure that Yon son had put the room to rights, including clearing away the debris of our breakfast And it's a good thing too, because she had dropped her things right next to the door, and come right in to say hello, and now, once I was at my place at the table, she began to bring out bag after bag after bag of stuff,and place them on the table. Goodies from all over the country. Things she had picked up at almost every stop she had made, for Yon son, and for me! Cups for his cup collection, and bells for my bell collection...but it sort of overlapped, amusingly, because she had found bells that he would like, and cups that I would love,so it was, those are for you and those are for him,and this one is for you! We opened packages and oohed and ahhed,and laughed, and then it was my birthday presents being brought out two days early,and nothing would do but Yon son had to bring my presents out from him, even tho he has already given me several, I got more today...and oh, such lovely things, I just wanted to cry, but I couldn't stop smiling, because each package was a new delight! I got movies,and pads of paper for lists and fancy pencils and a pencil sharpener,and a nifty new pen that has it's own magnetic holder,and no matter your slipshod aim, if you throw it in there point end down, it will stand up just as it should...albeit, wobbling a little. I got a pink fuzzy diary with two keys and a lock, which just tickles me to no end, because I always wanted a diary but never got one! How in tune can a man and wife be,that the man gives pencils and pens and a magnetic holder,and the wife, from hundreds, or even thousands of miles away, picks up a diary and pads,and a diary in my favorite color,and as far as I know, neither knew what the other was getting me! You know, I've said all along, since they first were dating, and then engaged, that they are so much alike, it's scary! ( Now, that might sound a little strong,but if you popped up one day with a surprise portrait session for them, and they had only hours to get an outfit together for the pictures, you might call it scary too, that they went out separately,and both showed up for the session wearing Grey,black, and white outfits!) However, now I must change my vernacular. Their connection is not scary. It is wonderful!But, I digress. So then, Yon son brings out the big present. The game SceneIt! which is played with a DVD and a board and dice, all about movies and television shows, that I have been drooling over for months,and nothing would do but we had to try it out, right away! What a hoot! Somewhere in there we had lunch, which was BLT'S and iced drinks,( and I ran my blood sugar and took my pills...) and then I brought everything to a screeching halt, because it seemed now was the right time to give them both their big presents that I had ordered, one right after the other, for their birthdays..hers was July 25th, his Aug. 11th,and I had got them,wrapped them and waited until she got home, and we had the birthday celebration to give them to them. My thinking was, since neither came in on time, it wouldn't hurt anyones feelings to get both belated gifts at the same time. It was the most important present I have ever given either of them, or ever will. With all my love for my kids, I gave them both the most magnificent Expositor's Study Bible available, offered by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, just like my own. They were both taken a little aback, because they knew I had to save up for them...they don't come cheap. With all this volume has to offer to anyone who is wanting to clearly understand the word of God,it is the very best! With reverence they both swore they would take good care of them, and I laughed and told them not to keep them in the boxes, that I expected them to be used a lot, and then I signed them over to them, with all my love,and the date, and we went back to our game.
What a wonderful way to kick off her home time,and my birthday celebration time. There was so much more I could tell you about, but this blog is way too big already and I am about to hit the hay, because tomorrow is going to be another busy day! Suffice it to say that the rest of the day was just as grand and glorious as the beginning, and the blessings are just going to keep right on flowing in until there won't be room to hold them!
Praise the Lord for his mercy endureth forever! Praise the Lord for his justification endureth forever! Praise God for his unutterable gifts! Praise the Lord, for heaven and earth are filled with his glory! I praise you and worship you Father for bringing my children home safely to me, one more time,and for helping me lead them in the paths of righteousness!