No, this is not that website, so if that is what you are looking for, you'd better just log out right now...that is, unless you are interested in an actual blog, and an opinion on this new Phenom!You might be curious to know where I found out about this new website. Not on the Internet, no, but from our local newspaper. It told the whole story about this fella who happened to overhear other peoples conversations and thought it would be a great source for amusement on the web! So now, he listens to other persons conversations...which to me is rather rude...and then publishes their words on his blog. And now, it seems he has a book deal in the works. Imagine that! This person is cashing in on theft,mindlessly stealing what has been overheard, for no more ability or talent than he thought of a way to get attention through plagiarism! As I understand it, there is no blogging per say,he just types up, or sends out pod casts that are all other peoples words,and uses none of his own thoughts to deserve such attention!
Wow! Is that where we are now? So anxious to be amused and listen in on conversations that we reward such rudeness? It's not as if he is doing it to protect the homeland, for if he were everyone would be jumping down his throat for invading privacy! No, he's your plain, garden variety leech, an eavesdropper, who hasn't the wit to say anything on his own, and has found a way to tickle the ears of voyeurs on the web, who don't care where the conversations came from, they just want to listen in too!
Now, I won't lie to you. When I read the article, for an instant the thought crossed my mind that this website (which they published at the end of the piece) might be fun to take a look at, and then I thought about it for a moment and the feeling went away, and I was incensed that this thief was getting all these hits.Then that feeling went away too, and was replaced with the knowledge that the thousands of hits I have received have been garnered through work, research, and long hours typing at the computer,and I am beholding to no other living man or woman for the contents of my blogs. Yet daily I praise God for his guidance and inspiration for my every work...and the hundreds of comments I get I thank my readers,and I thank divine providence that I don't have to feel the least bit guilty when I read a comment that says, that was so cool! Would I feel that way if all I did was to write out what I heard someone else say, when they thought they were just talking to one other person on the phone? You bet cha! NOT!
Posted by: RONW | August 30, 2006 at 01:28 PM