Here we go again, with scary findings! Some scientists, at some University somewhere have announced that an ingredient called DEA in some shampoos, has caused what might be Alzheimer's in laboratory mice. Like anyone else, my first reaction was to find out more, when they ran the tease. Then I hung on, waiting for the whole story, even though I have had a very busy day. At the crack of dawn we did laundry,but I was the one, (of course) left to watch the dryer and fold the clothes when it was done, because Yon son was too tired to stay up and went on to bed shortly after breakfast. Since it was the first cool morning in weeks, I boiled some eggs, and peeled, chopped and boiled potatoes, for potato salad. While that was cooling, I pulled the whole chicken out of the fridge we already cooked in the crock pot a day or so ago, and cleaned all the bones, fat and skin off it, and broke it up into small pieces,and divided the resultant delectable meat into two packages, one for chicken salad, for sandwiches,and the other for soup, or a casserole, or BBQ. Just about the time I finished all of that, and was about to assemble the potato salad, Yon son got up, and by the time I had chopped the onion, and celery, and peeled the eggs and chopped them and was ready to throw in the potatoes and the mustard and salad dressing, he was ready to eat. So I turned off the DVD player, which had kept me company all day while I worked,and tuned in "Jeopardy", which we played right along with while we cleaned up my mess, so we could set the table,and he ran to the store for the wonderful baked beans they have. So about the time the news came on, we sat down to eat, and here comes this story about the shampoo! Well! It turns out that they ran these tests on mice,using not the actual shampoo, but just this DEA that some shampoo's have in them, and this stuff actually does make the mice stupider, or shall we say, forgetful. Now, how they know the mice are forgetful after they use this additive on them I shall never know...I mean, it's not like they can be certain what the mice know for sure,and then test them to see if they have forgotten anything,but the jist was, DEA is not a good thing, and you should check out your shampoo to see if it has this stuff in it. Well now, I don't know about you, but if I see evidence of mice in my house, I certainly do not have the time to run around the house searching for little mousie highways,in order to catch the little buggers so I can throw them into the kitchen sink and shampoo their itty-bitty heads for them, one at a time, just so they can get all confused and wander off from my house. But the last bit of the story was the kicker. According to this guy on t.v., the scientists used ten times the amount of DEA on those tiny heads than is contained in the shampoo we use on our heads! Ten times! Does that mean they expect me to set up a little mousie shampoo parlor, and shampoo those tiny heads ten times? Well, I've got news for them! I won't do it! I believe in being humane in getting rid of pests and all of that, but I absolutely won't do that! Call me what you will, but any mice I acquire shall just have to be content to go to their doom with dirty hair,and no special treatment from me whatever. I will put down sticky-traps instead of the kind that snap shut on them, I'll even use my reacher and pick the sticky-traps up and put them in a hefty bag with peelings and things so they can munch out on anything they can reach, while they are stuck tight and go to the dumpster. I refuse to consider what will happen to them from then on, but I absolutely, categorically will not be giving any mice any shampoos,and that is final!
And as far as I am concerned, those scientists have way too much time on their hands to even suggest such a thing!
Oh,by the way. Just in case you wondered. I did read the shampoo and the conditioner bottles tonight, and Pantene Pro-v for blondes does Not have any DEA in it. So there! Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever seen any blonde mice, anyway.
Posted by: Phoenix | August 08, 2006 at 10:21 PM