Ever since his arrest, this person has been sought after by the media as though he is something! Well, I don't know about you, but I think the way that reporters are following him around, reporting on what he eats and drinks,and his comings and goings is absolutely disgusting! I am incensed every time the story is brought up. The photographers and news casters are just fawning all over him as though he has done something to celebrate, rather than committing one of the most horrible,depraved, wretched, filthy crimes man can imagine, which not only snuffed out the life of a beautiful talented innocent girl,after he beat and violated her, but also destroyed the lives of her whole family. Yes, I am glad to know that they finally caught the madman,and that he is being brought to the States for prosecution. That is excellent, welcome news,but he does not deserve this star treatment he's getting! If they must report on him, it should not be a huge front page spread. A tiny note in the back of the paper is all he deserves. And to lead off the evening news with that story again and again is just wrong!
It makes me sick to my stomach that this is being done. Why not just get the trial over with,stick him so far in the pen they have to pump sunlight to him, and lock him up and throw away the key? No insanity plea, No chance for parole, no arguing back and forth over anything! And, no, I don't believe he should be put to death...not because he has any redeeming qualities, or any hope of being rehabilitated,but just because he shouldn't have his punishment over with quickly, and, even though Man cannot change him, doesn't mean that he shouldn't have a chance to find salvation and forgiveness from God, so that when he does die, he won't go straight to hell. No matter what he has done, God hates the sin, but loves the sinner,so he does deserve a chance to get right with God...but that is all. He certainly does not deserve this acclaim and fame he is enjoying right now!