Okay, first let me make it clear I have nothing negative to say about Christians watching movies. But I am going to pose some questions, and possibly shake up a few apple carts while on this soapbox, because some Christians still don't understand some things. Secondly, when you call yourself a "Fan"--This does not just indicate to all that you like or are fond of someone. Fan, in this instance, is derived from "Fanatic!" My dictionary defines fanatic as being:" wild in opinions, particularly in religious opinions, excessively enthusiastic,particularly on religious subjects ." Alright. Tonight I ran across a snippet of a blog, which read in part:" I may be a Christian but I believe by faith not a body or certain...Being an Antonio Bandaras and Angelina Jolie Fan this movie was right up my alley..." Now, I am going to stop right there,for this statement threw me into a bit of confusion. If this person is a Christian, then how can they be a "Fan" of a movie star? Since the very word this Christian used for their interest in those two movie stars, is the term usually reserved for "religious enthusiasm",then how is this dichotomy being allowed by this person to stand in their life? I would have to venture a guess that this individual knows that one interest should take priority over the other, and yet, this doesn't seem to be the case. The reference to being a Christian is almost tossed off as an uncomfortable aside, with the author pigeon-holing themselves, I may be this, but I am really fanatical about that! Once again, it occurs to me that the writer either was trying to down-play their faith somewhat, or that they haven't a strong enough command of the English language to truly be aware of what the words they use really mean. However, considering that they began their statement with the declaration of their faith, the former seems unlikely. So, it is left to the reader to decipher from the rest of the paragraph just how deeply their fanaticism goes, to the aforementioned Bandaras and Jolie. This is an absolute shame. With all the English language, and all the reference works available to search through, how can this person be so limited in their ability to be clear and precise? That being said, would their statement of faith also come into question? It did to my mind. One begins to doubt the sincerity of anyone whom, to all appearances, has taken no care to take the extra time necessary to seek out just the exact words needed to convey the import of their message,rather than just dashing off a few lines indicating the general idea, leaving the reader with only a vague notion of the full intent of the entire piece. Now, I know that this is not an isolated case. Throughout the Internet anyone can find blog after blog of imperfect writing. Most, it seems, are done on the spur of the moment, with no purpose other than to attract attention, with mistakes galore, and virtually no attempt to use capitals,punctuation, or even proper verbiage! The words are the thing! And, what words! The filthier the better...again, to create interest. And, God help us, sadly, they do. However,since I am still standing on my little soapbox, I had to at least make my feelings known, that if you are a Christian, please, at least take the time to know and understand the terms you use to declare your fondness or affection for other creatures on this earth, and be aware that using the wrong terminology, could give others the impression that something, or someone else is elevated above that place that should be occupied only by the Lord Jesus Christ, or by Almighty God himself.
Now, I am not saying that you shouldn't have a fondness for other human beings. I myself am very impressed with Johnny Depp, but I am not his fan. There is only one that I get fanatical about, and that one is the son of God, Jesus Christ,my Lord and my redeemer. I am ever mindful of the fact that his is the name above every name, and I always act as though someone is always watching me...because he is!
Praise God! Just the thought of him makes me smile!