Personally, I would be, and I am, extremely cautious downloading anything from the Internet, unless you are 100% certain of your source! Whether it be ring-tones, games, screensavers, or music, if you have any reason to not trust the site, then perhaps it would be better to go out and purchase the CD from an electronics store, than to take a chance on little "hitch-hikers" following that music into your computer, where they can wreak havoc on your programs, hard-drive and files before you can do anything to stop it! I am not going to get off on a rant here, but suffice it to say there are only two sources that I trust to download anything from, one of which is featured in my sidebar, amongst my people list, "people who think!" which is a Christian site, featuring wonderful original Christian music...Sean Dietrick, who offers only FREE music downloads.
I learned the hard way, by innocently downloading stuff that caused my computer to crash, and it was terribly expensive,and inconvenient to undo,and everything I had on my computer at the time, IE: photos, music, games and screensavers were totally lost in the process! Look out! Be careful! Don't trust anybody that hasn't been referred to you by a reliable source!