That was the question I found one day, and my immediate response was, considering that they are newly awakened to the opposite sex, with unaccustomed hormones coursing through their blood,and their skin erupting here there and everywhere, and then being bombarded with images of perfect skinned models,singers and stars,how could they avoid being concerned about their looks? They have no idea that all those high profile youngsters they so look up to have a tremendous machine working overtime to make them look perfect.When they see a picture of a Kelly Clarkson, or a Britney, or a Christina, they have no understanding that if one of them had a blemish or two on the day the shoot took place, it was just air-brushed out. Or, that if one of those famous kids had an attack of acne, they were hustled off the to dermatologist,and given pills to kill it,or that they spend hours every day in make-up, just to make them look perfect, even if they aren't! NO! They see photos of those perfect, beautiful faces, and since there is never a word breathed about the struggles and cover-ups of teens in the news, and the battle over the skin, they just think they are alone in this fight. No one ever bothers to tell them that when you have a facial, for instance, that more impurities will come out afterward, and they see this happening, and are horrified, and rather than take it in stride, and continue in a healthy routine,they redouble their efforts, and that is when the obsession takes over.They are out there in Godless public schools every day, trying to deal with a growing self-awareness, most of them with very little instruction as to what is really going on,and what information they do get,50% of it is wrong, passed from mouth to mouth,so the only thing they have to hang on to is, I can look presentable. The importance of their appearance is blown up out of all proportion,because just like anybody else, there is a driving thirst for love in their lives. They don't know, and basically couldn't care less, the truth of the drive for love is put there by God, and that he is the only one who can fulfill that need. All they know is, they have to make the most they can of their appearance, because it is your face that is the first anyone sees of you,and so it is natural for them to assume that if you throw enough acne fighting cleansers and lotions and potions and pore strips at your face, something will work. In the meantime, while waiting for them to make your skin perfect, we can always cover it up with make-up, and maybe someone is going to find them attractive enough to pay attention to them.
And that, as they say, is what it's all about.