Which as far as I am concerned, can take place any time in the next decade! I don't know if you are familiar with particular brand of torture. I have friends who have had this done,and not knowing the total picture, really never paid that much attention to what they told me. Mea Culpa.My Doctor's office referred me, and within 24 hours the bunch that does this study was on the phone, wanting to set this thing up,as soon as possible. Well, I balked. I didn't like the sound of it when my Doctor mentioned it to me, and liked it even less when the office of the sleep-peepers called to set up a time. I don't know about you, but I don't care to sleep away from home. You go for one night, and have to drag all your accoutrement's with you. There are some medications they would rather you not take, and there is a certain time you must be there,and they expect to have you sleeping for at least 6 hours. Once they have you in their clutches, they literally tie you down with any number of monitors and straps and this and that, so that if the urge to visit Mrs.Murphy hits you, they "Will be happy to have someone come in and undo you, so that you can go to your own private bathroom!" I really didn't know whether to laugh or moan at that point, because if I have to wait for some officious little technician to come unhook me, by the time they get there, the whole trip will be pointless,and I will have to change my clothes,and they shall be forced to change the bedding! Naturally, Betsy, or Pepper, or Cindy...whatever her name was, did to the best of her ability try to sell me on this arrangement, by informing me that their facility was more like a Five Star Hotel, than a medical lab, with color t.v. and head wedges to lift your upper body, in place of piles of pillows,and yes, they have oxygen if I need it,but the one thing they couldn't get around, because there is no happy fix for, is the fact that I doubt if I could relax enough to even sleep, given the fact that I am so dreadfully camera-shy, and I would have television camera's on me all night long! So, I told her I would think about it, and get back to her. I imagine that, of course, I will not be made to see any images of myself from that night, but just the mere idea that there is a camera trained on me could prey on my mind all night long, and I could lay there, stiff as a board and wide awake the whole time. What a fun, productive possibility that is!