To begin with,when all this hoopla began, and escalated over this book,and then the movie,I was completely turned off on the whole idea of even reading the book, nevermind the movie. But then, someone sent me the book to read,and I being at loose ends with nothing to read, thought, oh well, why not? I had already heard all this stuff about how it offends the church,and that it is Blasphemous and all, but being well grounded in Christ, that didn't really worry me. If I found myself offended by the book, I could just put it down, stop reading,and send it back to my friend, with my thanks, and that would be the end of it.Besides all that, I have already read the history of the Catholic church, (which to my knowledge is the truth) and by gum, if that didn't offend me, then this novel isn't going to do that either!
Now, it used to be that I could knock off a book or two a week.Not only that, but I could have three or more books going at a time. One in the living room, one in the kitchen,and one in the bathroom. I read in the bathtub, or on the throne. I read in the kitchen, while timing cakes or pies, or watching a pot simmering on the stove. Or, I would be sociable,and join my Tom while he watched his games (ack) and read. That was just the reading I did for fun,not counting the stacks and stacks of books I went through for research,and reference works. The one place I rarely read was in the bedroom. There were other things going on in the bedroom,and I had no opportunity or interest in reading in there. But that was then, and this is now. Now, I can not sit up and read for very long. See, nobody bothered to tell me that after back surgery, it is just too uncomfortable to sit in a chair, or curl up on the couch and read for hours and hours. I found that out the hard way. By doing it, and then living with the consequences afterward. I also found out my recliner was uncomfortable, my swivel rocker was uncomfortable, and that the bathroom is just too far away from the living room to spend a whole lot of time there. Little by little, I became aware that the only place I could do much reading now, was propped up in my bed, in my bedroom.So, now the bedroom is the only place I do much reading at all, unless you count the reading I do in the dinning room, on the computer, or for my writing, which you really can't count at all, because that is just research,and reference works. The problem with reading in bed is, I fall asleep. I can read, at one time, for perhaps, one hour, tops. Even if the subject matter is really exciting, nine times out of ten, I wake up with the book on my lap, or right next to me, or on the floor, and don't remember what the last thing I read was. Besides that, I have this problem with hard-bound books. They are hard to hold, when you're laying in bed. So lately I have taken to reading paperbacks. Is it any wonder then, that I have gravitated to paper back anthologies? So, now that I have filled you in on the background for my reading of" The Da Vinci Code" I have to tell you that I was totally dismayed when I saw that the book was hard-bound,and rather larger than I had anticipated. So, while I did set out to read it a while back,it has taken me a long time...and I am not quite finished with it yet. I have maybe one chapter left, but most of the suspense has been taken out of it for me, because I began to look upon it merely as a murder mystery. That was the opening of this novel,and what drove the action throughout the book. And, yes, there were some religious overtones, downright lies, and other articles of fiction involved, but let's face it.Sometimes, writing even good fiction,in order to create conflict, which is an absolute necessity to move the story along, the author must resort to placing villains in the most unexpected places,re-write some facets of ancient history,and in order to give his story a high profile hype,perhaps even offend God, if he sees it as necessary.
As a work of fiction, I found this work to be really hard going in spots, yet I persevered. I enjoyed being able to figure things out, just before the answers where revealed...that always gives me a charge,and it was very cool that I figured out who dunnit ahead of time too.
If you're a child of God, and don't care to read anything that might call our Lord and savior some sort of fake, don't be afraid to read this book. It all becomes a side issue, really,and hardly noticeable in the end. That is, unless they pull some sort of horrendous twist at the very end. If that is the case, I shall update you later, I promise!