The family of a local girl, 13 year old Mais Zahde have been through a terrifying week. While she was visiting with family in Lebanon,as we all know , war broke out. Her Mother was featured on the news, weeping and wailing, worried over the fate of her daughter,and every night on the evening news we were treated to an update of Mais, and her mother. Finally, on Saturday or Sunday, after days and days of no contact with her daughter, they reported to Mais mother that her daughter was on board a ship, bound for the states! Then, finally, Thursday night, Mais mother was notified she needed to be in Chicago Friday morning at O'Hare Airport, to meet her daughter's plane. A Quad Cities news crew was on hand to see,and capture the images of the joyous reunion! Oh Happy day! Everyone watching had to have been moved to see that mother embrace her child, weeping and clutching the girl in her arms,while cameras flashed,and tapes rolled. Even I got fairly misty-eyed,and puddled up,knowing the emotion that goes through a mother whose child is returned to her safely, from the midst of such a world shaking conflict.
However. One has to ask, as I have been privately asking every day since the news broke on television, what was this mother thinking when she sent her daughter, her 13 year old daughter, alone, unaccompanied, into a country so close to Israel,and in such a dangerous part of the world? If this visit had to take place, then why wasn't she there, with her child? If she loves her daughter so much, then what could the reason possibly be, to send that child, alone?
I know I shall never get a satisfactory answer, but it certainly is a good question, isn't it?