Well, I've been thinking it for a very long time, but finally, on the show Rush calls meet the depressed, one of those guys said it. "This, he said,Is the beginning of World War three!" Yesterday in church, both preachers agreed with this assessment, which I knew they would, since it is right there in the book of Revelation. Although prepared by two different men, based in two different parts of the Bible, both the morning and evening service came back to the same basic points: All the signs are in place now for us to see the latter rain, and then our soon coming King, and a call to get right with the Lord, NOW! No one in the congregation was shocked, that I could see. I certainly wasn't. Like most of us, I have been watching and waiting, seeing those same signs,and expecting these pronouncements to be made by the secular world,and also, the preaching now taking place in all spirit led churches. The preachers take the place of the watchmen on the walls of the ancient cities keeping guard over the citizenry as they slept at night,and would call up to the man in the morning, "Watchman, what of the night?" And he would either give an all clear, no danger response, or a sound of alarm if he could see suspicious movement a long way off. However. If the danger was close and imminent,he would raise the ram's horn, and give a sound of alarm, meant to wake the people so they could prepare,which is exactly what we got in our church this last Sunday! The response to the altar call was about 99.99% and not only were people saved and then filled with the Holy Spirit, but many,many of us, including myself were blessed with a re-filling of the Holy Spirit, and Oh! what a glorious time we had, "trimming our wicks," and "filling our lamps with fresh oil!" Now, I know where that analogy came from,even though I hadn't planned to say such a thing, but if you're thinking that I got it from something one of those preachers said, you would be wrong. No.The parable of the wise virgins, verses the foolish virgins, a-waiting the bridegrooms arrival, though it has always been one of my favorites in the new testament,because it is a perfect picture of the church getting ready for Christs return to call his bride, the church, hadn't even occurred to me to bring up in this post, but the Lord just dropped it into my heart just now, and so,naturally, I would follow the leading of the Spirit. As the "Watchman" analogy was not planned,neither was the "Bridegroom" analogy. And, I always think it best to go with what the Lord gives me to say, because only He knows for sure what is going on, and what is about to take place. And those of us here on earth always have a choice, to what voice we will take heed. The voice of the wise men of the "world"...or the wisdom of the Ages.
The so-called wise men of the world have been saying for years and years that World War Three will take place in just a few minutes, given the existence of nuclear weapons. That it will be all over before we know it. And yet, by any time-table you care to use, this mess in the middle-east has been going on for a very long time, and is slowly ballooning to engulf the whole world. Yet, that being said, there is a caution to mention. Should there be any sort of peace agreement for/with Israel, remember what the Bible says about that.
"When they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction shall come upon them."
And yet, the wisdom of the Ages says, "Fear not!" He has given us understanding about that which is to come upon this world, and if we put our trust and faith in him, he will keep us safe in that great and terrible day of the Lord!
Posted by: Lori | July 18, 2006 at 07:58 PM