On our family's day tripping to Lake McBride, we never saw a sunrise, because we rarely ever got up that early, and for sure did not leave until Daddy had his breakfast,and had his insulin shot. By the same token, we never sat and watched the sunset over the Lake, because that would have put us home way too late for his evening medications. So, unless we happened to be on the road to home when the sun set, we were clear home by the magical time when sunset occurred. That being the case, we just missed out on such events, our home being situated facing west,but with a huge hill smack dab across the street from our house, there was no open sky to the west of us. However, we made up for that lack at home, when we went on our one or two week vacations to Spirit Lake, or Clear Lake in the summer. After all the boats had come in, and been tied up, our family would linger on the shore, watching the colors in the sky, until nightfall, and it was clear dark.
So years later when I had a deck to sit upon, and could see both to the east and to the west from my deck, it should come as no surprise that I spent many happy hours drinking in the sight of the sunrise, with a cup of mocha cappuccino in hand, or the sunset, while Quaffing down iced tea and watching as my Tom burned things on the grill.
Both these memories came flooding back to me when I visited my pal, RonW's site tonight,for he had posted a fabulous picture of a sunrise, and in his text, he suggested, wouldn't it be nice to have a whole network of pals taking pictures of such spectacles, and posting them for all to enjoy. One pundit opined that would be great, until the novelty wore off,and I had to agree. The public being who they are,and most hardly having the attention span of a gnat,most would fall away very quickly. But, the laugh is on them. Because for the few who remained, there would come instances of unusually great seconds of panoramic vistas, caught at the peak of it's brilliance, so splendid, so breathtaking, that the sight of it would be enough to reduce you to tears. I have been fortunate enough to view one or two like that, and have probably missed thousands even more awe inspiring. One may have to learn patience in order to do this, but trust me, they are worth the wait!