The very first time I heard about this book, I was like a lot of you, never heard of it, until Oprah announced it as one of her picks for her book club. I was instantly turned off by the very idea of reading it, because it was just exactly what I didn't want to re-live...a mother's worst nightmare...her child, gone missing! I have had years of that threat haunting me, and I certainly didn't want any of that revived! I honestly don't know which is worse. The threat, and living with knowing that at any moment someone you know...intimately...and used to trust, has vowed to take your child from you..."when you least expect it.." Or, having it happen out of the blue, suddenly, with no warning whatever! Either way is horrible, unspeakably cruel and fills a mother with anxiety. I would like to say that since Yon son is now a grown man, that is all in the past, but, it never really is, is it? Haven't we all heard of grown people being abducted just recently? So, yes, the thought, for the most part has receded, but is never too far from the surface of my thought processes. So, when this book was announced, I just jerked my head away,and it was the one book I never asked for at the Library. Likewise, when the movie came out, I again, did not ask for it, because A. I never read the book, and I prefer to read the book before seeing the movie,and B. Worrisome tear jerkers are not my genre of choice!
And then, Yon son, and wifey-poo went shopping, and brought goodies. Cat toys for Molly,a new algae eater for the fish tank, (which they named " Jumpy" since it jumped from the clerks bag, into another tank to avoid being taken away!) and about 5 new DVD's for me to of which was the movie " Deep End Of The Ocean." I thanked them for everything, and turned a blind eye to that movie, thinking, okay, it's here, but that does not mean I have to watch it. But, around here, that is easier said than done, especially since She went back over the road yesterday,and we miss her terribly, and I woke up this morning with a leg cramp not to be believed, and had to first thing choke down a HUGE potassium pill, and eat and run blood sugar,and take more pills,and wasn't ready to go back to bed when Yon son hit the sack. Well! I have seen all the other movies,and wasn't ready for the French open..or the America's cup..or whatever game they have decided to run instead of normal Saturday morning programing which I am used to, and rather fond of, to be perfectly frank. I kind of like " Tutenstein" and "Kenny the Shark!" But, I had to watch something, and since the video room is now so overfilled I can't get my wheelchair in there right now, I had to rely upon what was available. And what was available, guessed it " Deep End Of The Ocean!" Now, I am going to interrupt myself here, and tell you that I could have sat up and read, but, no I couldn't because when I try to read when I am already sleepy, even while sitting up in my chair, I have been known to fall asleep,and wake up three, four hours later, with the book on the table, my glasses on the floor, a hideous pain in my neck, and my hair in my eyes! It seems I have a tendency to fall forwards! Thank God the table keeps me in the chair!
So, I was literally forced to watch this movie! My review follows, in the next blog. Hmmm. It seems I am forced to do that too! And yet, I have not changed my mind, or my standards! I still didn't read the book! Or...Oh wait..!