Appetite is a funny thing. You can go along for years and years,and nothing upsets your appetite for good food, until one day, after surgery, someone puts a bottle of bright red ketchup on the table,and the sight of it takes you back to the time in the hospital, and seeing all that blood,and boom! There goes your interest in food, right down the drain! That was years ago, and after I lost a lot of weight, I finally got over my aversion to the sight,and began eating normally again. But in that case, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt what the trigger was then.But this last past year, I have taken to bouts of loss of appetite. This is not necessarily a bad thing. When I don't feel well, it stands to reason that I don't do much, and not expending a lot of energy,my body would require less food.But it does disturb others in the family when they see me toying with my food, rather than eating it, and that spurs them on to try to find something else, to entice me to eat more. So, it is when I feel the least inclined to munch out, that Yon son, or wifey-poo bring me goodies. Now being a diabetic, I already have a goodie bag in case I have an insulin reaction, and need sugar. I am not talking about those kinds of goodies, although they do figure into the equation. I am more likely to be presented with snowballs, brownies, and cupcakes at these times, but also, they bring to the table chicken dinners, pizza, chili, and mexi-burgers,accompanied with diet root beer,and soft serve ice cream so I can have a root beer float. All of which are amongst my favorite foods. When they are obviously going out of their way to please me, and tempt my palette, I always thank them profusely and tell them how wonderful they are to be so thoughtful of me,but the truth is,many times, when one has no interest in food, it doesn't really matter if it's your most favorite stuff in the whole world or not. Lack of appetite is lack of appetite. Even when I am forced to consume something, in order to down my medication, it's just a few bites,and I am done.Of course, my kids, bless their darling hearts and little pointy heads, won't give up. Long after I had quit mumbling around the kitchen trying to find something yummy to take my ten o'clock pills with tonight, Yon son came in, to take his meds for his arthritic shoulder,and brought crackers and longhorn cheese. He offered me one, and I took a bite,and set the rest back at his side of the table. He offered me more, and I told him, I am not fond of plain saltine crackers. So, he offered me another chunk of cheese all by itself, and I thanked him but did not while he is downing several slices with several more crackers, I reminded him he's going to hate himself tomorrow, if he doesn't follow it up with some fresh fruit, or a nice salad. So, I am typing away,and he leaves the dining room, and goes to the kitchen, and I hear the familiar sounds of him rustling around in the cupboards and the refrigerator, and I assume he is grazing... seeking out his black olives, or his gaffelbitar, or some other of his own tidbits he buys and brings home all on his own, for himself. There is nothing wrong with those things, but some of it, like the canned smoked oysters are just, ACK!...not my dish of tea at all! Then, all at once, I am aware that he is standing behind my chair,and says, " Here you are. I gotta go!" I turn, and there on the table is a bowl of salad, a fork,and a bottle of dressing. I smile and say, Thank you honey....all the while thinking about already having considered having a salad, but didn't want to go to all the extra effort to find the cut onion, and the green pepper to make it the way I like it, only to take two or three bites,and end up wrapping it up and putting it away for tomorrow. It just seemed to be too much effort for three bites. But, I did have some cheese, so three bites isn't so bad.
At some point in the not-so-distant future,my appetite shall return...or else it won't. I am not going to attach too much importance to this,and panic, and I certainly am not going to run off to see the doctor about it! Unfortunately, I shall be seeing him way too soon to suit me anyway. I have an appointment coming up in July,that he insisted I make six months ago....Not one of my favorite activities.
But when you lose your interest in eating, it is nice when you have family around you that are concerned about your welfare,and notice things like that. A family that cares is a real blessing, and sometimes you need a little upset to your apple-cart, just to have these blessings pointed out to you. And when it all boils down, I would much rather have plenty of food in the house,and no appetite, than for the reverse to be true!
Posted by: Steel | July 01, 2006 at 12:36 AM
Posted by: Phoenix | July 01, 2006 at 10:08 PM