1.When I woke this morning, it was later than usual, and darker too. I thought I must be very late in rising, but as it turned out, it was only an hour difference. It was overcast,and I noticed the garden was just barely beginning to get some light,from a pinkish gray sunrise.
2. I sat at the kitchen table reading for a while, and began to realize that I was hearing a lot of birdcalls, so I wheeled over,and popped the door open, and stood from my chair, braced in the doorway. The garden was misted over with a pinkish fog,and the air was still. On one side of the garden, a morning dove cooed her sweet song,and from the other side, Mr.Cardinal was talking up a storm. In the driveway, two fluffy brown finches twittered and chased each other around,and then finally, flew up on top of the garage,still playing. The dew was still on the flowers,and from what I could see, the whole yard was lush,and sweet and green, and as I stood there drinking it all in, the clouds parted,and the sky became strata upon strata of grey and pink, and then for a moment, it was all a pearly pink!
3. As I stood there, Someone invaded my space. As the strain of being braced in the doorway overcame my strength and endurance, I turned to look,and sure enough, Molly was curled up in my chair,peeking around me, also gazing at the garden. I reached back, and caught ahold of the right arm of my chair, for I was starting to tremble at standing so long, and I said only "Molly, move." Softly, gently. Normally, she does so right away, but this morning, for some reason, she did not respond,except to look up at me and meow.It became more imperative that she do so, now that my back and legs were quickly becoming less able to hold me up. I said it again, a little more forcefully,"Molly! Move!" I got another Meow. But, it really didn't matter anymore, because I had to sit down,and prepared to do so, even if I had to plant myself right on top of her. Clever Girl! She swiftly made her get away, just as my body descended upon the chair. Then I backed up a ways, and she took her place at the door, looking out at the yard. We sat there like that for another few minutes,and then, both of us sated from our gaze upon the beauty of it all, closed the door,and went back to the table, me in my chair,and she in hers. I read some more, while she worried a catnip mouse.