Wednesdays around here are crazy! Just--Crazy! It's Yon son's night off, so his friends know he's home and they call to chat. Plus, it is the night we ask Sherry over to have dinner with us, which Yon son usually cooks. And it is also the night that we go online for Bible study, which all of us are into,particularly right now, because Jimmy is opening up Job for us, and nobody can pick apart,and put back together again the word of God, as it was intended to be dealt with, like Jimmy can. And, let's face it, JOB! God's servant, the most perfect man of his day, presented to Satan in a conversation with God, who then wheedles God into allowing him to test Job's Faith in God. So, anyway, we're all looking forward to this study, plus we are catching up on all the goings on with Sherry for the last past week,( or however long it has been since the last time she was here) and we are talking,and getting her settled with her glass of ice,and her pop...she drinks a lot of diet Coke...Yon son is getting things going, and doing the host thing, and we are both telling her things, and questions are flying back and forth, fast and furious about this thing and that thing, and calls are coming in for Yon son, and in all of that, I am trying to show her some things I've taped for her to see, that I know she will appreciate as much as I do. Meanwhile both Teddy and Molly are vieing for Sherry's attention, because they love her too, and want to be talked to and/or picked up and loved on,but it all comes to a screeching halt when:
1.I find the song I have been searching through my video tapes for,for the last six months, and it is one of Sherry's favorite Gospel singers, Janet Paschal, singing with the Gaither vocal band, the song, "Tell me". As it plays, everyone takes a seat,and we just sit quietly, and sigh, and enjoy the splendid moment. Our nerves calm, our hearts are lifted,and we all just breathe deep...except for Sherry, who refills her pop twice during the song...
2.The phone rings again, after the song, and it is a friend of Yon's, who called to chat,Boo-Boo. Boo-Boo makes the mistake of asking Yon what he's up to tonight, and while Yon is telling him, he mentions Bible study, and the preach comes,and before You know it, he is witnessing to Boo-Boo,telling him that Christ died for him on Calvary's cross,and how sorry he is for people who don't know enough to accept Christ,and all his friend can say is, Oh really? I didn't know that....and Uh-huh, until finally, Yon's wife beeps through, and Yon regretfully tells Boo-Boo he has to let him go. Well, that's alright buddy! Boo-B00 says gractiously, we'll talk later!
3.So, after Yon son and his wife spend a while on the phone, and the time rolls around for bible study, we sit down to dinner in the dining room,and we have wonderful bible study/ dinner,which is a blessing and a joy,and very delicious, and when it is over, we are full spiritually and physically, and instead of the usual games, we are still talking, and playing with Molly,and we start to fiddle with scanning in pictures to our HP gallery,relegating some to the slideshow screen saver,and some to the wallpaper, screen background, and it is a hoot! Sherry is regaling us with stories about how her next door neighbor broke her foot,and how She raised a ruckus about the doctors sending that woman home alone, and not calling any agency in to get her some help until she is on her feet again, and how her personal assistant is messing up so badly, she just doesn't know what to do about it...and Wifey-poo calls again, and we all send our love,and for the next hour or so, Yon and wifey coo at each other and make plans for a night out together, just the two of them, as it should be, when she is in town again, in about three and a half weeks. They are so sweet together, it's just a real good thing that she has a calling plan that makes it possible for them to speak as long as they want for nothing after 6 p.m.! I mean, they only spoke to each other four times yesterday!
But finally, the "kids" got tired,and said goodnight, and Sherry begged off for dessert, and said she was tired too, and could only stay another hour to play a game, so I had my bowl of Cheerios,and after she left with the rest of the second two liter bottle of pop we got for her visit, I turned things off,and went to bed too. Sigh. I can't imagine why people feel so sorry for the fact that I don't get out more. I have quite enough going on right here at home, thank you very much. I love my home, it's beautiful, and wonderful things happen here. Praise God!