1.In a stunning display of the Lords timing, he has brought Yon son and his wife together again in such a way that defies description. Here at home, Yon has been having trouble with his teeth, and miles away, out on the road, she called and said, I am coming home, because I have an abscessed tooth,and it's got to come out. She was so sick when she got here, she hadn't eaten anything for days. The very first thing we did was to pray over her, Yon son, Sherry, and I, asking he heal her,and guide the surgeons hand...every day. He bought her pudding and jello and soup,and we kept track of her antibiotics and pain pills for her, and made sure she took them, and ate, and slowly she has built up her strength,to where,when she finally went to the oral surgeon, she was free of infection, and tolerated it well. She has been home all week, and then yesterday, Friday, she had the extraction. She's still in a lot of pain, but Praise the Lord, she is now on the mend.
2. Besides the troubles,we have all grown closer as a family. For the last two days, Yon son and his wife have been caring for one another, and I can see that many of the differences that parted them have been not just worked out, as man's ways would try to do, but in some mysterious way, eradicated. We have just spent an evening of going through their wedding pictures, from which I have published a sampling of them in my photo album, and oh, what a lovely time that was. When you see them, keep in mind that he has lost 60 pounds since then,and both of them have let their hair grow,and gone darker. Between the pictures,and this blog, you will now understand what I mean when I say, as I have said all along. They are so much alike, it's scary!
3. Bible study this week was such a blessing, it is difficult for me to explain. The preacher addressed each of us, Sherry, Yon son, his wife,and me, right where we were,and helped us to let go of past problems and look forward to the future. Sherry, especially, has benefited from this weeks study, since a tremendous part of her health problems have been made worse, according to her doctor, by worry and stress over her daughter, and being denied access to her grandchildren. I saw a new light go on in her eyes as she watched and listened to the man of God preach, under the power of the Holy Spirit,and as we talked about it after wards, as we always do, her words confirmed what I saw happening to her at that time. She got it. It is finally clear to her, that in order to have the blessings in her life, she has to trust God, or as they say, let go,and let God! She is now genuinely a new creature in Christ Jesus,exhibiting such spiritual growth,I myself am thrilled by it. She used to be very reserved about talking about God, and for years I never heard her utter a word of praise. Yet, Now, when things happen, Sherry is the first one to say Praise God,and give him the glory for what he is doing. Yes, this has been a full week, and kept me from doing all that I wanted to do, But,praise the Lord, he is moving in our lives,and we ended bible study, rejoicing in the Lord!