When it comes to lending a hand, or what is mentioned in the bible as being a paraclete, (one called along side to help) it seems to have been, at least in part, my calling. However, so many times, I can only listen and pray, because when a problem is brought to me, often I can not come up with a ready answer. I do not consider this terribly surprising. If the problem had an easy answer, most would solve it themselves,and I would only hear of it in retrospect, such as, this is what happened,and this and so is what I did about it. But answers to difficult situations do come to me, but only after prayer. Sometimes, I offer the person whatever comes to mind, my first take on the question is often the most logical, to me, but usually, this is not acceptable, and then I invite the person to pray with me.However, most will simply ask that I pray for them, somehow feeling that I am more, what? qualified to pray? I am not sure what the thinking is on that, because it is the person who is seeking the answers is the one who should be seeking God, not I alone. God responds to our prayers most dramaticly when we are passionate about our trust in him, recognizing that only he has all power to do whatever it is that must be done. Also,it is true that out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks, so doesn't it make sense that the one with the problem should talk to the Almighty? It doesn't mean that I won't pray for them, I will, and I do, but it is necessary and right that the one who needs God's intervention make his petition known, and thereby, not allow what God is doing in their life make it of none effect. God is not unaffected by your worries and concerns.Jesus took on the guise of a man so that there is no doubt in any person's mind that God knows your pain, anguish, and worry.His son felt it all, and so did God. On a more practical note, lending a hand really, is not all that hard to do. It could be as simple as digging into your cupboard and freezer, and giving of your blessings to those in need.Sometimes, It calls for more action. A lift here or there in your car, or a phone call, email, or a letter to an agency or other person whose resources are greater than your own. On occasion, it means a hot meal, and perhaps a night or two on your couch or in your guest room...and sometimes more than that. Also on ocasion, it means you slip them a few dollars, and (only on their insistance) a ride to the local mission. I do not recommend the latter, for the simple reason that most missions, while well intended, and usually run by Godly people, are traditionaly located in the part of town loaded with sites filled with temptations, that will take the person in trouble further down the wrong path, and they are normally, not in a right position to resist.
Lending a hand can be most fullfilling, and is, in my opinion, an opportunity to be a blessing to someone, and I always caution them, before I do anything, not to thank me, but to thank God I had it to give. After all. If I had not been blessed to be in a position to help, I could only listen and pray for them. And, sometimes, they need more.