Albert Payson Turhune said, there are better ways to show your inferiority to your dog than by beating him.Very true. Being a well renowned dog man who wrote several books depicting dog behavior, and also a breeder of Championship Collies,at his home known throughout the dog world as "Sunnybank Farm",Turhune left a legacy of knowledge and understanding of dogs that is largely untapped today. More's the pity, because now is when we need this resource, considering that here in our area, we have had a rash of dognappings, and of dog attacks that are just absolutely unprecedented. The two might not seem related, until you realize that many of the dogs taken, have shown back up again, a few weeks later, most battered and bitten and bruised....of the ones that survived.These dogs have obviously been used for illegal dog fights, and the ones that lived through it, have for the most part, been healed,and returned to their families, but that is not the end of the story. Sadly, weeks, months, or even a year or two later, many of these poor pitiful creatures have ended up attacking their family members,or as they in the news have said, "turning on their masters". And, naturally, in the end, most have had to be put down for being vicious. It's not the dogs fault. Who knows what sorts of cruelties those poor dogs had to endure, while in the hands of those whose only intrest in them was to pit them against one another, to make money betting on which one would live,and which one would die?
But, when you think about it, the dognappers didn't treat the animals that much worse than their own masters. The numbers of dogs taken out of their own yards are astonishing. Unchained and spirited away in broad daylight, or let out of wire runs in the same way, why weren't these so called precious dogs being taken better care of than that? Left on their own, chained up in their yards alone for hours on end, what sort of life is that? Of course, people do have to work, but if the dog is such a prize, why isn't it in the house with the wife and kids, instead of confined to a small run, living behind chain link fences, and only let out for special visits into the house for an hour or two a day, if it's lucky,and then back to the yard for the night, to howl and cry out of loneliness all night long. That's not showing love and affection. That's having your token dog, to decorate your suburban lifestyle, along with your 2.05 children, and your soccer mom wife to drive the kids around to the ball games,piano lessons, ballet and tap lessons, and school. Even worse, the latest thing is buy pit bulls, and rottweilers,as a status symbol of sorts, I suppose, since they are supposed to be so formidable a foe. Once again, playing right into the dog fight backers scheme of things! There is a plentiful supply of them available, and since they have such a terrible reputation, there is even a greater chance they will be relegated to the yard, since the mother is frightened of the dog,and the children have no special interest in playing with it either. After all, let's face it, as a breed, Pit Bulls are one ugly dog!
Meanwhile, if your dog turns on you, do you know enough to throw your arm up over your throat and face, so that if it goes for the jugular, it will only tear the fleshy part of your arm, instead of killing you or maiming you for life? With each of these dog attacks, I have waited, listening intently to" the experts" advice,and not a one of them knew this simple movement, which should be taught to each member of the family that the dog is likely to be alone with, to prepare them for the possible eventuality of being mauled,and that includes small dogs, not just big ones like Collies. Recently, we heard of a dog 15 inches high, that mauled a grown man on his own back porch. Pit Bulls cannot normally be categorized as a big dog, but they are medium to large, with massive muscles,and a sturdy body shape, so they are not easily bowled over. That, along with the fact that they have a vice-like grip when they bite down and lock their jaws makes them very attractive to the dog fight underworld. Beyond that, the normally sweet nature of a Pit Bull puppy is skewed, when they are taken, as little guys to the vet, and augmented to the style preferred by Pit Bull fanciers. Their tiny tender, somewhat floppy ears are sliced and surgically altered to stand up, or be "prick" ears, and most will also have their tails bobbed. The puppy then goes through weeks of pain with both ends of his little anatomy,and all for the fashionable "style " of the breed. And, that's it. That is where the interest in this dog ends,when he now conforms to the proper look, never mind the fact that he is more prone now to turning on his master, now that he has gone through all this pain, and has been left pretty much to his own way, as far as training is concerned. The owner of the dog considers all the money he has invested in getting the dog,and incurred huge vet bills, and he thinks he has done his part. And that is where many of these Pit Bull owners fall down on the job. They have yet to differentiate between "owner" and "Master"! Anyone with enough money can be a dog owner, that is no accomplishment. But, it is the one who takes the time to train and teach and love that dog, who becomes "Master!" "Owner" is just a legal term, meaning one who pays for and has responsibility for the actions of the dog. " Master" is the one who has won that dog's heart over, who has taken the time and effort to be so bonded to that dog,that no matter what, the dog will defend his master, at the expense of his own life, if necessary.
Dogs can be wonderful companions, that will defend the home,and property, and given the right training and plenty of love and attention, that will, out of love, lay down their own lives for the humans they love. Neglect them,and you could be setting yourself up for quite another scenario. Oh, but Featherhead, you say, we can't have the dog in the house! He gets into things, knocks things over, and won't behave for me! Oh really? Well, excuse me but that's not the dogs fault, that's your fault for not teaching him any better. I mean, really now. Your children weren't born potty trained were they? A happy dog is taught what is expected of him, and is given plenty of love and attention, and praised when he is good,and scolded when he is bad. Take him to obedience school,and work with him every day, and he will love to learn! And, take your opportunities. As they say, See a dog going under the bed,you tell it to go under the bed! And, since you want to be prepared for a dog attack, then make sure your animal is trained to respond instantly when told to come, sit, heel,and lay down. Not just voice commands, but hand signals as well. Be sure to keep your dog's shots and all medical attention up-to-date,and all papers as proof of shots, ownership, and of course license or city tags are together along with all your important papers, so they can be produced just in case of an incident. Keep the number of your vet,and animal control out visible next to the home phone,because you never know if someone else's dog is going to attack you, or your dog. Keep in the pantry or other likely place where you store your dog's food an emergency medical kit with gauze, cotton, and tape for first aid.
Finally, don't forget to learn and to teach to every member of the family that defensive move of throwing the forearm up over the throat,to protect your neck viens from being slashed open. You may also want to teach how to follow it up by bringing the knee up sharply to dislodge the dog from your person if he does jump on you. Your dog knows those killer moves, instinctively.