Enthusiasm, curbed. Forever! If you haven't heard of this particular piece of tripe, let me fill you in. This is an offering from HBO,and one of it's male "stars " was on Jay Leno's show, late night, last night. Understand me now, this was not the regular tonight show presented last night, this was the late night, last weeks offering,which runs after all the regular after the news shows, around two a.m. I don't know the man's name, and I have no desire to know it. He made it Crystal clear that this program uses profanity, and vulgar, obscene language as a matter of course, particularly the "F" word, because, to quote him, " That's the way people talk all the time, so..." and words to the effect that they want to attract the common man. Oh, really? Well, now I don't exactly consider myself royalty, but neither am I the sort that welcomes that kind of garbage in my home on a regular basis, either! To put it bluntly, I despise that kind of language! I won't tolerate it even from my grown children, and I certainly have no intention of watching a program that thinks this is the way everyone talks all the time! Far from being hip, cutting edge, or amusing, I thought his attitude was disgusting and insulting to the American public at large. Maybe Dennis Miller or George Carlin can get by with using that stuff, because they are brilliant,and have more to say than just filth, but trust me, this man is no George Carlin! To me, he just came off as a potty-mouthed pip-squeak,using this " every man" excuse to cash in on those whose lack of education draws them to the basest sort of entertainment they can find. I am sure his audience will be large. I, however, shall not be among them!