Warren Buffett,the second richest man in America, gave Billions of dollars to...Bill Gates, the number one richest man in America! To help Bill Gates foundation, which has as it's goal to wipe out certain diseases...and also to improve education. To me, the whole thing sounds all very vague and uncertain, and I have my doubts as to whether any of that money will ever be used to make anyone's life any better than it is right now. Now, this is the same Warren Buffett who has a granddaughter to whom he gives...Nothing. Nada. Zip. Grampa doesn't believe in leaving money to his family, especially when he can get the applause and admiration of the world for giving it all to charity! His Granddaughter is living in a small apartment,working for people who don't have as much as she had when she was living at home! She barely squeaks by on an almost middle income job,and has very little in the way of comforts. I wouldn't doubt but what this latest revelation has come to her like a kick in the stomach. Didn't Grampa ever hear that charity begins at home? Say what you like about how generous, benevolent, and philanthropic Buffett is being, I just think he is mean,and sees this as a way to make himself look good. After all. This man is getting old,and must be thinking about where he is going. Maybe he thinks that by giving all this money to a "Good cause", that it's going to really earn him some points in heaven. He may even have heard that it is harder for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven, than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Well, I've got news for him. Bill Gates is not that proper Gate, and you can't earn points with God, by slighting your family,and giving money away willy-nilly to Charitable foundations that do nothing to further the cause of Christ. He would have done better to take a basket full of money, go up on the top of the tallest building in New York,and start throwing handfuls of bills in the air, and be a blessing to people that way,than to give his money to a foundation, run by the richest man in the country. His gesture is not only stupid, it's obscene. Giving Billions to a man who already has Billions is an insult to every person who had to go hungry this last week-end. To every homeless person, who prayed for a chance to put their lives back together,and to every church in Louisiana who still need repairs done to their structure,since last years Hurricane season.