I know she's leaving the Today show, and all, but if Thursdays outfit and hair do were indicative of the latest trend in fashion and style, I have to tell you, and someone should tell her, that it's not doing her justice! I noticed the outfit first. I don't know what to call that color. It's somewhere between brown/bronze/grey with sort of green overtones. I don't think it's my new high definition television set warping out on me,although, in some cases, I would be glad to go back to a less clear picture.Frankly, the high-def. leaves a lot to be desired, if the person being interviewed has a bad complexion,big pores or a lot of freckles,but Katie has none of those flaws.But her suit was just so odd.The sleeves were too long, the jacket sort of nipped in at the waist, and then had a rounded edge at the bottom, that gave her this real hippy look, and the skirt wasn't much better. It also flared at the hip line, and came down to a rounded bell shaped, sort of skirt.That's bad enough, but the fabric didn't compliment the cut at all.If anything, it made it worse, because it was all wrinkled looking,with some really big, ghastly looking creases, that made you wonder if nobody at the Today show has an Iron.To top it all off, her hair style was dreadful.Now, I know they have got to have someone to help with those women's hair,and somebody fell down on the job for Katie! Her hair was swooped behind her ears, and it looked over-moussed, with it hanging in clumpy barely-there looking stringy curls! It looked as though she had lost her brush! The overall effect was that she looked like she had slept in her clothes, like an expensive bag lady! Of course, I mean that in the nicest way possible.I have no desire to be unkind, because I think Katie is just as cute as a button,but seriously, she needs to go back to her classic look,and leave this new stuff to young girls who have no idea what real style is yet!