1.Often I have a tune in my head, that just keeps going on and on,and it used to be it would drive me out of what little mind I have left to try and find a copy of it,and play it, because if I listen to it, most often, it will go away! But now, that we have one whole room set aside for just tapes-both cassette tapes and VHS, and CD'S, and DVDS,I can find what I want, with very little problem, and the whole day won't be shot just trying to find that thing! I still don't know what that is called,or why finding it and listening to it cures it, but GAD, I'm glad I can cure it!
2.On the other hand, when you love music the way I do, it is nice to be able to recall a symphonic arrangement, or a simple tune, heard years ago, and even if I don't own a copy of it, I can call it up from memory, and enjoy it just as much as if I had one.
3.Yon son and I love music,and we love to sing. And we do it,at the drop of a hat, and we don't really care whose around to hear it.Our taste is very eclectic, but we love harmony, and we do a lot of that.Some times a word or a phrase will cause us to think of the same tune, and Off we go! We don't even have to discuss it first,we just burst into song,and if someone is here, or with us, who is unaccustomed to such spontaneous behavior, OH Well! They get used to it,or they don't! My rules, I make them up!