I am dispensing with the cute stuff this time, so that this message is just as clear as I can make it. When we finally come to the end of our own resources,and have to make a decision,then it is necessary to be in possession of all the facts.Everyone that I have spoken to or read their works believes this to be truth,and yet,it is somehow overlooked when we make two of the most momentous decisions of our lives. One is, whom we will marry.In every case, it alters the course of our entire lives,and yet so many will make this choice of a lifetime upon the feeblest, shakiest grounds available. You know it, I know it,and it is pointless to belabor the point.But just very briefly, " I love him or her", just simply is not enough. Young people should be enrolled in courses from childhood in how to determine if a person is a good choice for a mate, but just try to find even one, anywhere! Maybe someone should write a book!
The second decision is like the first, but far more important, because it will not only determine the course of your life, but the state of being in the afterlife.WAIT! Don't tune me out now. Give me just a few more sentences to say what I feel is so important.Inside that body of yours,is a craving for something, and you have tried everything you can to fill it,and nothing works to satisfy you for long. There is a hole in your soul, that no food, no music, no activism,no political ploys,no other person can fill completely,and no church can do it either.Only God, can fill a God shaped hole, because that is what it is.In fact, forget church, or whether you would make a good preacher or not, because that is not the issue.The issue is, you are not whole, until you are whole, spiritually,and to be honest with you, many churches today are more lost than some sinners.Take me, for example. I am just an old sinner, saved by grace.Unmerited favor,that's what grace is.So, most Catholics are out of the running right off the bat, because they hold the virgin Mary in such high..(choke)...esteem,and all because they don't even know what they are saying when they pray, Mary, full of grace. How about this? Hail Mary, full of unmerited favor! You didn't give God any cause to love you, but he loves you anyway!
This week-end, I ran into three prime examples of churches, that I found less than impressive,and I couldn't help myself, I had to respond.In all love, of course, but I did say what I felt led to say.Two of them run advertisements on local television, and have seen them for some time,and a burden came over me, again, to say something to them.One has this ad with strobe lights flashing, smoke pots boiling, and they are singing,"lalalala,gospel temple, the people place, church is more inviting, when church is exciting," and they show all sorts of activities going on,and perhaps one shot of some guy up front, maybe preaching, or reading minutes, who knows?(the lalalal is in place of the name, don't want to embarrass anybody.) Now, I understand that they want people to know they are different,and where they are, but are they so different that they cannot mention God in their ad? And, what of all that flash, like it's a Vegas nightclub? Then the other one is fairly new,and it is entirely different from the other.This is all staid and stiff,and they first mention the music,where a lady in a shiny pink suit stands sideways,and talks over her shoulder," Every time you come, it's like going to a symphony." Then the scene shifts, and a young matron holds a beeper, and says, "The trustworthy child care is great,and they give me this beeper, to let me know if they need me,free of charge!"Once again, the scene shifts, and now it's two youths,a guy and a girl, smiling, "lots of programs for young people!"and the scene shifts again, and now two men, standing shoulder to shoulder, one obviously older than the other, and the younger one says, " We have a burden for missions to Argentina!" and the older one says, " and we reach out to the community in several ways!" Then an exterior shot of the imposing edifice of the church itself comes up on the screen, and the name of the church, which is First Presbyterian church of so and so,come join us on Sunday morning! So, I sent them both an email, asking "What is it you preach?" That was on Saturday morning.So far, no response. Truthfully, I didn't expect to get any reply. I mean, I know it costs money to advertise on television, but how much more would it have cost them to mention God? Or Jesus? Or even include a clip of the preacher, fresh from the prayer closet, on fire for God, preaching an exciting message? As I pointed out in one of those emails, that is the only kind of exciting church I want to be involved in! I wonder if you can guess to which church I sent that message? To the other, I may have gotten a little bit rough.I informed them that too many preachers are anointed with formaldehyde,and if they already knew their preacher was boring, then I understood why they didn't include a clip of it. I apologized for being harsh,and yet, I believe I told them what they needed to hear. Now, I am not attacking any denomination, or sect. I pray that all churches, who call themselves Christian would have preachers who will lift up Christ,and be a blessing to all who go there,but if that's not going to happen, then where will people who need to hear the uncompromising word of God hear it, and be saved? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.Folks who are lost need to find someone who will open up the word for them, and help them to understand that God is not just in churches, he is everywhere. Find someone who will do that for you, even if he's under a tree somewhere. Okay. I know I said three,and there were three. I've been saving this one for last, because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I ran into the last one, right here, on the Internet.I went to visit someone I love and respect, and thought I was clicking on a link to hear some music,and what I got was,for lack of a better word, preaching.Sorry to say, it was pitifully lame,and I just couldn't listen to the whole thing .I left a comment, and got out of there as quickly as I could, but apparently my friend felt I had not heard enough,and replied with sarcasm, as I saw when I went back later.So, I repented of my rash statement, and grit my teeth,and punched up that same link again, and listened to the end, as my friend had suggested I should have done.Mmm! Why on earth this young man went into preaching, I have no idea, but if this is a sample of the sort of preacher that are preaching in our churches, then I begin to understand why there are so many otherwise bright, good,seeking men claim they want no part of church!
"The falling away" mentioned in Second Thess.chapter2;3 is in full progress right now, and what I have just related to you is just a tiny glimpse into it.And,as Paul writes, it is nothing to worry about, as long as you are in Christ!Falling away from what? From the church! To be frank with you,Roman Catholic priests have been leading their flocks down that slippery slope,telling them they are forgiven of their sins, when in actuality they were on their way to hell for hundreds of years, so don't think I am fussing at your churches because I am not! But the point must be made in as clear a way as possible, that your church can't save you! You need to be Savvy,and pay attention to what is being said behind the pulpit,and if what you hear doesn't line up with the word of God, you need to get out of that church,and find one that does! Pomp and Circumstance, great beautiful robes and traditions and the rules and regulations of men won't save you either! I know! I used to be Roman Catholic,and I loved the services, but I got over that, when I realized that so much of their traditions and religiosity made absolutely no impact on the condition of my soul whatever! If you don't believe me, get a King James Version of the Bible and look it up for yourself, where it says," call no man upon the earth FATHER!" (Matt.23:9) Get a good one with a concordance in the back where you can look all those things up,and read it for yourself. It will explain a lot of things to you, like why you see so many supposedly good kids, going to church school, who live like hell all week long,and then go to confession on Saturday,and sail into Church on Sunday morning, acting like little angels, when inside, they are nothing of the kind. That's not the kids fault, that is the fault of the church that tells them they can sin as much as they want, and then go to confession,and all is forgiven!But, when the judgement comes, there will be no excuses, because ultimately, you are responsible for your own salvation. Now, do you understand that? God is a rewarder of those who dilligently seek him, but you must search for someone to lead you to the Lord.Just going to any old church,and leaving your path of redemption up to a "nice man"who may, or may not know the way is foolish.Take your Bible with you,and use it.Prove every word that pastor or Preacher says,in your bible.
Now, I know that every church and person I have mentioned mean well, and try hard. I know they do. God bless them,and I know that everyone has bad days and a slip of the lip so that not all messages come out just the way they intended. But ask my opinion, and I will tell you the truth,and I am sorry if that hurts your feelings ,however don't you see that we are getting right down to the nitty-gritty here? Haven't you seen it, played out in the news for the last few years, time after time, where The Almighty is dealing with the churches? And, just in case you weren't aware, God said that judgment will begin with his house,and go right on down from there.As God told David, this thing you do in secret, but I do what I do before the whole world! Look around you.What you see approaching is Judgment.The baby games are over! Now is the time to get Serious with God, seek his face,and get right with him now! My dear loved ones, get ready,it is upon us...even at the doors!
Posted by: Kilter | May 18, 2006 at 04:49 AM