You know, when we read something we feel is less than appropriate, or we hear something that we feel is not complete, it behooves us to leave a comment.That is what the comment tool, at the bottom of a post is there for.I take seriously any mention of God,and any discussion of the word of God immediately grabs my attention,because I love the Lord supremely, and the word of God is so beautiful,because in any complete presentation of it, invariably, it will always lead you back to the cross of Christ,if the preacher sees it for what it was intended to be,and carries it out to it's logical conclusion.True, every preacher is different, and will conclude their talk in any way they wish,but most, having opened up the word of God to you, will at least have given you enough to catch a glimpse of Jesus,and if they spent several minutes speaking to you, on say, suffering, will at least include the fact that the suffering we go through in our lives, is nothing compared to the suffering Christ went through on the cross,for our redemption, and that is a perfect opening for an altar call. Recently, I was witness to just such a talk, and when it was ended,no such connection was made, no altar call was made,and I felt left dangling, and disappointed,and left a comment.Now, I will be the first one to admit that I am spoiled.I have studied the bible and sat under one of the most powerful preachers I have ever heard, for many years.In my own imagination, I had run ahead of this preacher,and had certain expectations of his talk, and when it did not materialize,my heart just sank.Well, that is not the preacher's fault, that is my fault.I knew better than to expect anyone else to be the same as what I had grown used to, and I will also admit that the comment wasn't very Charitable, however true I felt it to be.Worse yet, it was my honest reaction to his words.Now, I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be, a preacher. I am just an old sinner, saved by grace,but when a man of God gets up and begins to preach,then I expect to hear what" THUS SAYETH THE LORD!" or, as Paul said, in 1 cor.2:2;" For I determined not to know anything among you, save Christ and him crucified!" That,and that alone is the message that will save the sinner, set the captive free, and give the believer victory! Praise God! However,I have been persuaded recently that sometimes, when we are being honest, we somehow manage to be brutally honest.And, having been the recipient of a swift kick in the concience lately, I have repented of some rather caustic remarks, while still maintaining the truth of my statements.The Good Lord willing, his presence will keep me from doing the same thing again, while still keeping my standards high.Being outspoken is in my nature, and I cannot change that,so if a firestorm rages over my head over something I have said, that I believe to be right, I shall still stand by my words.However, I may not be as forthcomming when it involves the feelings of a dear brother or sister in Christ.