I finally got Mogwi on the line,and she is fine! I thought you might like to know that, right off the bat. I was so relieved, let me tell you.After countless hours, making countless, fruitless phone calls, when I at long last got a ring, instead of a busy signal, I took a deep breath,and even though I hung on to hear that sweet voice, she did not answer. I was both elated,and frustrated, to the max.I don't suppose there are two more irritating,frustrating responses one can get, besides those two, when using the phone.The busy signal, and endless ring.So, I hung up, nerve endings tingling with irritation,and put the phone back on the base charger,and left the room. I got in reach of the dining room table,and the phone rang. I whipped around and hurried back to the kitchen, just knowing, It had to be Mogwi! Sure enough, the phone announced her number,and then my voice announced, " It's Mogwi!" While I am wheeling myself into the kitchen, you've got to know what I was saying! Don't you? " Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord! Victory in Jesus! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!" I was so excited, when I snatched the phone off it's base,and wheeled around, heading back to the dining room, I forgot my earwire! Now, how stupid can one person get, when they are all elated? I can only hold the phone for just a very few moments,and my hand starts going numb,and I have got to have that earwire! And, I knew I was about to hear the whole saga of what happened,so why didn't I go back for it right away? I can only plead anxiousness. I had to hear her voice,and make sure it was really Mogwi,and not someone else calling from her house, with terrible news.Like her friend, Gerri.Yeah.She would do that. Anyone who would track us down with a message such as the one she left with the dispatcher at Yon son's office, would call from the house, upon discovering Mogwi's lifeless form,with an I told you so! Well, thank God, it was not Gerri! It was Mogwi! That sweet voice filled my ear,and all I could do, was close my eyes,and sigh, and run my thumb soothingly up that crease between my eyes,easing it back down into it's normally undetectable self, now that my worries over that situation were over.She said, "Hi!" I said, thank you Father.Then, to her I said, " Oh,Mogwi, I am so glad you are Okay."
That was her opening.She began, well, I'm not exactly Okay, but I am still kicking.That was when I excused myself to get my earwire,and when I came back,she told me the whole story,as I knew she would, which is the whole reason I went to get my earwire.The whole mess had begun, as I had already surmised, by Claudette,and Gerri, whom had not been able to reach her for a while, and had been through this many times before,and devised this whole scenario out of the fact that Mogwi has no living family left,and lives alone in her own home,and,as she has admitted to me on several occasions, hasn't the discipline necessary to be a diabetic.Well, discipline or not, she is diabetic,and she has taken steps to avoid complications, or so she thinks.She had gone into a rather protracted reaction, sleeping in between taking pills,and then popping a handful of cereal into her mouth, and taking sips of juice before going back to sleep,and the whole thing just snowballed on her.She would wake up feeling awful, with low blood sugar, flood her system with sugar, she would come out of the reaction just enough to know it was over, and then the sugar would spike,and send her back to sleep! She probably yo-yoed like that for a couple of days.Meanwhile, the kitchen phone was off the hook, because it's a weird phone anyway, and either a cat or dog played with it, just enough to lift it off one side,and when she tried to call out on the living room phone, the line was dead.There's more to it than that, but suffice it to say, that Gerri just couldn't stand it any longer,and did call the cops and an ambulance,and they came bursting in on her like gang busters, and hauled her off to the emergency room, willy-nilly,and being smart enough not to reveal to the doctor what she knew she could tell me, they said there was nothing wrong with her,and now Gerri and Claudette look like total kooks! Now, of course, with any luck at all, Mogwi is wised up to her own mistakes,and won't let that circumstance arise again. Ditzy she is, stupid, she's not.
Which brings me back to the bible study.As Jimmy brought out last night, the book of Job was the first book written of the bible, as we know it.Probably written by Moses.He wrote it first, because the Holy Spirit deemed it so important that we understand, number one, that God is in control.Not Satan.The only thing Satan can say, when God says jump!, is how high? There was a meeting in heaven.Satan was in attendance.(ch.1 vs.6-12) And God and Satan have this conversation. Have you considered my servant, Job. Yeah,Satan says, but he loves you and serves you because look how abundantly you have blessed him. Take down your hedges from around him, and he will curse you to your face. So,God allows Satan latitude to try him,but tells him you cannot kill him. So, we all know the story.Job loses his children,and all his wealth and even his health, and still, Job will not curse God. Even his closest cronies come to Job as he is going through this trial,and say, what did you do to deserve this? Meaning, of course, that some sin, or other has brought this on him,and he needs to repent of whatever it was.Even Job's wife comes down on him pretty hard,and accuses him and questions him enough to make most men lose their faith, and turn their back on God, but not Job.In the end, God says, enough, restores all that Job has lost, and in effect says, well done thou good and faithful servant. This is a picture of how to live the Christian life. Not a goal in itself to be arrived at, but a process.Only one percent of the Bible is involved with how to get saved. The rest of it, beginning with Job, is there, used as examples as to how to live, and what God expects of us.Every hero in the Bible, with the obvious exception of Jesus Christ himself, at one time or the other, fails.David, the apple of God eye,a man after God's own heart, failed.But not Job.He was the sterling example of a perfect and upright man,and through all of the terrible things Satan was allowed to do to him and to his life, he kept the faith.So, the first book written, was not the conversion of the sinner, but the sanctification of the saint.
Praise be the name of the Lord!