I hope you believe,because if you don't, then you will never feel what I felt tonight, and if that is not to be yours, I feel sorry for you.If you have no idea what it is I am talking about,I am so sorry. It means you will never feel the moving and operation of the Holy spirit in your body, your heart and life, and that's just a shame.Right now, I have no pain.I am not drunk, or insane or hallucinating.However, I am thrilled to the marrow of my bones.I have deep abiding joy and happiness within,and I feel light as a feather.And Love! Such an overwhelming sense of love for all mankind, and for God the Father, the Son, and of course, the Holy Spirit,just flowing through me...There are no worries on my mind,and no anxiousness or concern either.I know God loves me, beyond a shadow of a doubt,and I know that no matter what happens tomorrow, no matter how awful it may seem at the time, God will turn it around to my ultimate good. I have been spirit-filled for several years, yet it is always a wonderful experience to have that spirit renewed,and feel the presence of God in such a strong way once again. Lord! I want to feel this way every day!
Well, it's getting late,and I have a full day of praise and worship and family time tomorrow, so I'd better go to nest.I just know I shall sleep deeply and well, almost as soon as I turn in.
I pray that some day, if you haven't already, you feel what I feel tonight...it is the only way I shall complete the tasks the Lord has for me to do, whatever they are.Which, of course is the whole reason we have been given the Holy Spirit to begin with.There is no way we can live as we should without the Spirit!