Once again, I have run across a blog all about a mid-life crisis. Now, I know how uncomfortable it can be to go through a change of life,however I really think it is a misnomer to call it that. Mid-life implies that there is just as much life left to be lived as when the condition sets in. But who knows for sure how much time they have left? Let's face it,there is no way of being sure that if you hit a crisis of your life when you are forty, say, that you will still be here when you are 80. So calling it a mid-life crisis is assuming a lot,and it's really out dated. We once used that term when a man would hit a certain age,and begin to think that his sexual attractiveness was on the wane. This was the instance when he would leave his wife, find a younger girlfriend, buy a new flashy car,and make himself over. New clothes, new hair style, the works.In essence, it was the male answer to the woman's change of life, but on a more metaphysical, mental plane, and without the physical trauma and intense pain that goes along with the loss of hormones that a woman deals with.
But the blog that I read was written by a woman, saying she was going through a mid-life crisis.Did I miss something here? Have women now, come to some sort of mental brick wall that makes them act as though they have to relive their puberty also? Lord God Almighty, I certainly hope not! Once was enough for me! I have no desire to go through all that again.When they were boys, men must have had a great time,and thought they could lick the world, but as I recall, coming into womanhood was no whee of a time for me.The oily hair and skin, the facial eruptions, the bloating and cramping once a month, that took me down for days on end, none of that was fun or memorable,and I have no desire to relive any of it!
Mid-life crisis indeed.Just be darned glad you are alive, and go on with your life,and forget the past.It is over,and there is nothing you can do to change it. And, if what this woman is talking about is menopause, then why not just come out and say menopause,by some fans to cool yourself through the hot flashes,and when it is done, just thank God and be done with it.