Sometimes the Lord gives us things, knowing we will follow his lead, when a need presents itself to us,knowing he can count on us to pass the thing along.I have a completely wonderful Rainbow Rexair(R) vacuum cleaner.It is an old concept, but you can still purchase a brand new one today, with all sorts of wonderful attachments,and there is never any dust flying around in the air while your using it, nor any bag, or cup, or anything messy like that to empty.All you do, is flush the water-pot down the drain, or throw it out in the garden.The dust, dirt, hair, pet dander, crumbs, and even liquid messes go into this pot of water it is attached to, and then when you shut off, you break it down, very easily, very quickly,and toss the pot! That's it,and I love it. So, about a year ago, Yon son comes home with an electric "broom-stick",which he had found, along side someones garbage, and sure enough, it worked.It was small, light, and simple to use,and with helpers coming in to assist in housekeeping, it was certainly easier than teaching them the ins and outs of the Rainbow Rexair every time we had a new helper.(The rexair isn't difficult, but you do have to know how to take care of it properly in order to use mine!) So, we used that light,simple vac for those newbies, who hadn't the time or the inclination to learn how to use the Rexair.It was a stop-gap measure, for our convenience. It got the job done, surface wise, even if it didn't manage any deep cleaning such as the Rainbow gives us.So, we had both, and used both.Mostly, on his day off, Yon son would run the Rainbow just to clean the air in the house, with a squirt of fragrance,letting it run in each room for about 15 minutes, without a hose or wand, just washing the air, so there was no dust or bad odors,which is a real blessing for a household who have allergies, such as mine.
Anyway, long story short, (too late!) we have a new helper, and as women do, we talked while we worked.Listening to her...I won't call her name, because I would never embarrass someone so vulnerable, I found out Lulu has had some rough times in the very recent past, and her family has just turned their back on her.She has started over, and has done it by the skin of her teeth.Yon son and I are fully aware of just how difficult that can be, but we always had each other to lean on, to count on to prop each other up when things were tight.Lulu has no one but the Lord.And even though you can't have a more powerful right hand man than that, sometimes, it takes a brother or sister in the Lord to be willing to listen and follow the Lords leading to make provision for you.So, today, I asked her to run the Rexair,and she was an apt pupil,and did very, very well.Though doubtful, because, of course she had never heard of a water-pot vac, she was efficient,quick,and did an excellent job of breaking it down just as soon as she shut if off,and had no problem with emptying it, or rinsing it out. Just as her time drew to a close, she just happened to mention that that was the first time in a long while that she had used a vacuum cleaner,and I swear to you,a light went on with both Yon son and I. When pressed for details, she admitted that she did not have a a carpet sweeper,or a vacuum cleaner.She uses only a broom and a mop to clean her floors.I caught Yon son's eye,and he caught mine.Wordlessly, he asked, and I inclined my head,and away he goes, gets the electric broomstick, wraps up the cord,and sets it by the door.As I signed her time sheet, I told her, If you want it, you can have it,and once she knew what I was talking about, she looked askance at me, and said, your not serious.Her eyes filled with tears.She said, I don't know how to thank you. I said, don't thank me, thank God I had it!
And we praised the Lord, together,and she was laughing and crying at the same time. I have to admit, we got a little emotional. Yon son and I both were so filled with the joy that comes from giving, and I believe the spirit of the Lord bore witness to our hearts that he was pleased with our obedience to his leading.Praise God, what a wonderful feeling!