Do you really mean it, when you say, you just worship someone? Or, are you just so attracted to them, that you can't think of anything else? I have to tell you, I have been brought up short by the Lord lately,for the use of simple, everyday terms, that we all use in the wrong way.As a society, we bandy words like LOVE about,giving very little thought to what we are actually saying.Can you really love an object, or a food or beverage,that cannot love you back, or are you just overly fond of them? Years ago, when I first got saved, I had a problem, with the word, Adore. It was my pet word for things I was extremely fond of, and I used it so much,and so inappropriately, that finally, the Lord spoke to my heart,and said, do you ADORE me? I came to a sudden, startling realization that this was not pleasing to God, and every time I was tempted to use it, I would begin to shape the word,and stop and substitute another, more suitable term. After all. Words were my bailiwick.I enjoyed working with them, finding new ways to express my thoughts and feelings,and if I couldn't expand my vocabulary to more perfectly define the depth of my attachment to material objects without so called catch-phrases and constant repetitiveness, what hope had I that our culture could rise above such verbal laziness? Think about this. If every time you used the same group of words to express enthusiasm of any sort, a yellow light appeared over your head, how many yellow lights would you have above you at the end of the day? Well, I imagine that most of us wouldn't need headlights on our cars to drive at night, If such a thing were possible.I know many whom,if every time they uttered the "F" word, a small red spot were appear on their flesh, by the end of the day, people would be asking them if they had a sunburn. Sadly,for most, if you took that word out of their vocabulary, they would find it impossible to communicate. But why? How can it be, that in the richest, most well educated( it says here) country on the face of the earth, the greater bulk of our population cannot seem to function face to face, without vulgar or profane verbage? How did this happen, when we have dictionaries, and Roget's in every school, library,and book store? There is no limit to the richness of texture and the wealth of vivid expression available to us all, and yet, a casual observer from another culture could certainly deduce that the general populace is limited to only a certain, small number of words that they are capable of understanding, pronouncing,and remembering, to procure the items they desire for sustenance, barter for trade, or to communicate abstract ideas.What frightens me is, the limitations are false,the barriers self-imposed,and society at large seems blissfully unaware that little by little we have lost the sense of appreciation that once existed for flowery speech,and stretching the boundaries for a well-turned phrase! Now, when we have so much to call upon, we seem to be turning back in on ourselves, reducing language to a letter for each word,seeing brevity as the goal,rather than preciseness.To latch on to a phrase, and use it almost to the exclusion of all other possible descriptive, or expletive turns of phrase, is at best parrot-like,giving no thought to what is being said...and at worst, we show our ignorance.Before you get irritated with that statement, consider what I actually said. Birds that can talk are beautiful, delightful creatures.They can be very endearing, and it is fun to teach them words and sentences, but they have no idea what they are saying.It is in their nature to repeat sounds.Other bird calls,to be sure, but they not only do not know what the other birds are calling about, (caged birds, that is) but they have no understanding of what they say when they mimic you.So, to be likened to a parrot is not an insult, but a clear definition of a "buzz word" or a "catch phrase" when you use it all the time. Ignorance is not truly an insult either.To be ignorant, simply means you don't know any better way to do something.It is merely a lack of education.
However, to continue parroting what you hear, or to choose to be ignorant,once it has come to your attention that there is a better way,and how to avoid your word power being stunted is pointed out to you, shows us as a people,that we really don't mind if our mental capacity is slowly dwindling away, simply because it takes some effort on our parts to strive to overcome this malaise that has infiltrated our world.
It puts me very strongly in mind of an old riddle/joke that was going around when I was in collage.
Q: What's the difference between ignorance and apathy?
A: I don't know, and I don't care!
It's pathetic, really, because when it comes to expressing ones self,we have lost ground in the last 30 years, instead of striving onward and upward.I can recall a time when it was an Art to write a memorable letter.An honor to receive one. Now, only those in business even bother,and judging by the caliber of such missives I have had the misfortune to fall heir to,even they don't hold a high standard,as long as they spell your name correctly,and get your address right.Of course, there are some others such as myself who still feel that a well written letter is worth the time and patience to sit down and think about the point they want to make,and choose their words with great care,and they are a joy to read.Mogwi is just such a person,and we have a lot of fun writing to one another. But, as most of my bosom pals, she is rare.I know others, who if they find they must write to you, will grab anything close at hand,and dash it off in green crayon if that's all they can find, and sometimes I have to call the person up and ask, what did you say?
Hm.Whose was the hand that sloped back this brow...? And. Just how far back are they going to go?