Yeah,it's true. According to Scientology,which Tom is totally sold out to, the mother must not utter a word or sound during childbirth, which also must be done without any pain killer. Which only goes to prove one thing.Katie Holmes has never had a baby, or she wouldn't be willing to agree to such a promise.Oh, I know that is so chic to go with natural childbirth, but unless you are an unnaturally wide hipped woman,with a short, wide birth canal, before it is too late, you will be screaming! Either for an epidural,or at your partner who got you into this situation. All I can say to this is, Poor Katie! She has bought the line, from Tom, of course, that this is the best way to bring happy healthy babies into the world. According to L.Ron Hubbard, the father of Scientology: "Maintain silence in the presence of birth to save the sanity of the mother(HAH!) and the child, and safeguard the home to which they will go. And the maintaining of silence does not mean a volley of sh's for those make stammerers." (Dianetics-chapter 10). Tom, understandably, is happy that Katie has embraced his beliefs, because he won't be the one straining and sweating blood in a silent hell of labor pangs to bring forth this most fortunate child,who, because of this most bizarre practice, supposedly, will not suffer any trauma from groaning, crying, or even spoken words.To me, it is obvious that this whole notion was written by a man who was the one not wanting to be bothered by such trauma, while witnessing, or awaiting the birth of his own child. Fathers are the ones who benefit from this deal, while it seems the mothers are being punished. However, the silence does not end at birth.True Scientologists are not supposed to speak to their babies for at least a week! Think of that. I can't imagine a new mother not whispering softly, or singing a lullaby to her newborn. How could anyone restrain themselves from holding their baby for the first time,and not even saying hello? That would be the first way to communicate with your child,and every new baby I have ever seen,instinctively responds to the sound of their parent's voices.
Anyway, good luck Katie and Tom, looks like your going to need it.
What do you want to bet, she makes noise?