Their faces and voices are legendary for those of us who have known and followed the appearances, and the television presentations of Bill and Gloria Gaither, since they formed the group of inspired, spirit filled, singing friends programs called the Gaithers Homecoming. I came on board late, but still have learned to love the dear singers who populate the one hour Gospel song shows.I just happened to catch the show one night, and was so thrilled, because one of my most favorite gospel singers has always been Janet Paschal...and to my great delight, one of my other favs, John Starnes also appeared on that program, and I was hooked. It went from looking for them to sing, to falling in love with Jake Hess, George Younce, All of the Gaither vocal band, The incomparable Vestal Goodman,and her husband, whose name escapes me for the moment, right up to and including Anthony Burger, who has typified the all-round pianist that he was, right up to when he died recently. I am still in shock over that one.But not only are Vestal and her husband gone,but it came about so soon after my seeing her in person, that I was literally in tears when I heard.And, it was so strange, because Yon son had moved heaven and earth to get me to the concert, and he had put my wheelchair on the back row, with a chair on one side for him to sit on, and on the other was two empty seats. Wouldn't you just flip, if you went to a concert, and one of the "stars" came and sat one chair over from you? Well, that is what happened to me, and when I realized that this tiny, well groomed, beautifully dressed lady was Vestal Goodman, I looked at her, and she made eye contact with me, and so as not to draw attention to her whereabouts I didn't get loud, or say anything out loud, but I gave her a great big grin and said, "WOW!" over and over,and she smiled,and every time I repeated my wows, her smile just got sweeter and sweeter.The song playing ended,and she stood up, put a mike to her lips,and began singing right there! A spotlight found her as she headed for the stage,and the crowd erupted in applause,and whistles, and wordless roars of approval! It was a great moment, in a great concert, and I often think about that night, and how neat it was, that by my discretion, her surprise entry was not spoiled.
Another homecoming program I'll never forget was the London one, where they had to announce that Rex, had passed away the night before, just after the rehearsal. Now, no one could have known by the attitudes or the tones of their voices, or looks on their faces that they had been visited by such a blow, just before the program was taped, but when they announced it, Bill's chin was trembling just a little, and several of the singers on the stage wiped their eyes,and throughout the audience, you could see several people were floored that the program had gone on anyway.And yet, as Christians, the Homecoming Friends closed out the show with a song of celebration, dedicated to Rex, saying, in effect, " See you at the house!" when we all go home!
And as the dedications at the end of the PBS Classic Gospel, hosted by Bill Gaither, are flashed on the screen every Saturday night, the list of those gone just grows and grows. I don't know all their names, but as I said, I've seen their faces,and heard their blessed voices raised in praise to the Lord, and they have blessed me immeasurably, since I have found the programs. Obviously there are a lot of you out there who know and love "The Gaithers", as they have come to be known, and you also grieve each and every loss when word reaches you, right along with me. Let's just hope and pray that this group that started just because Bill and Gloria had a few friends come together and sing, for the love of Gospel music, and which now has grown into such a large world renowned group, does not simply dissolve one day, when, God forbid, Bill and Gloria go home to be with the Lord.