I've noticed someone looking for George Younce's song....the Lyrics to his heartrending rendition of "Should you go first and I remain" only, this person, not being certain of the actual title, somehow got it switched around,and was seeking " If I Go First, and you are left.." Sorry to say, dear friend, you are not going to find what you are looking for,if you keep that up. So, here's my idea. When it comes to the ever popular Gaithers Homecoming Friends,If you don't get any action on the first to third passes, then it might be time to change the wording, just in case you memory of the song is imperfect. Just a helpful hint.There are a lot of us out here that are very willing to look up what you are searching for...and as a matter of fact, I have already blogged on the lyrics to George Younce's song, but your not going to find them that way.Also, be aware that when you are searching, the Internet will pull up compilations of blogs that may lead you to believe you have found what you are looking for, when In actuality, it is a mishmash of several different blogs, put together to respond to your request.This is not the author's or blogger's fault. Once we have posted a blog, it is out of our hands as to how the information is distributed. We certainly have no intention of misleading you. However, the Internet, as I mentioned before, will choose a word here,and a word there, to respond to your search.So, if your search turns out badly, don't just give up, try it again, a different way!
Good luck,and better luck next time!