I just got my new copy of Sun magazine,and I was very interested to see that on the front page, was a Christ-like image, crown of thorns and all,hanging on the cross, and emblazoned all down one side are these teases, miracle sightings all across America, and Where he appeared- State by state, and, His grim warning for all mankind,and on the other side, in huge lettering, " Visions of Jesus prove End Times Are Here" So, I flipped right over to page 28, and sure enough, at the top of the page, like a crawl on a t.v. screen was Prophecy...Prophecy...Prophecy, on several pages, long after the actual, "Prophecies" have ended.Actually, there was not so much prophecies as reports from different people, swearing to have had visions,and where it is not my business to prove or disprove whether or not these sightings took place, I wonder about the tone used for these announcements.The first thing I have to take exception to, however, is the scary way the article talked about the coming Rapture.It is not called that in the Bible, but the church has long used this term to describe the great "catching away" of the faithful saved, when Jesus comes back to get his church,and take them out of the way of the great tribulation period to come. We call it that, because the literal translation of Rapture, is being caught up, or caught away. Another problem I had with this article, is, it jumps around from one region to another, without even the slightest mention of chapter and verse to substantiate their claim that this is indeed, Prophecy. It also sights these events as Jesus warnings that the Rapture will take place soon, when in actual Prophecy and scripture, Jesus himself did say that no man knows the day or the hour when this day will come, but only my father in heaven, and that he will come back, as " a thief in the night"! Now, how many thieves do you know, that will warn you that they are going to come and visit you? None, right? Now, I know that more people than ever before are becoming aware that prophecy is fulfilling, and the signs of the times are appearing everywhere, however, the way this is written is just so misleading, frightening,and incomplete! Don't they have one person on their Staff at Sun that goes to church, or has a bible? Don't these people listen to any preacher preaching on end time events? Evidently not, or they couldn't write this:" Most of you who hear this message will be among those left behind to purified by the coming flames. Be not afraid. Only those who have perfect humility and unbounded love for their neighbor will be taken up at the beginning of the last days.." This is a lie! Only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, and him crucified will be taken up! Then it goes on to say: "Those who stay will be judged first on their ability to love and their willingness to accept the heaviest of burdens.Those are the paving stones on the road to salvation." More lies! Those left behind will have rejected Christ and his salvation,and although scripture says that some will be saved during the great tribulation period, if they live, they can only be saved, just the way the rest of us were saved. There aren't two ways, or ten ways or more to be saved, there is only one. Jesus said himself, " I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me! So, if you have been led down the garden path with these kinds of lies, do yourself a favor, get a bible, and read the new testament. Read what Jesus said, himself, in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.And anytime you wonder if this book or that magazine is right, please, for the sake of your immortal soul, don't take it on face value...Prove it in the Bible. And, if you are really confused by this magazine article,and then my writing about it, read Romans, Chapter 10 verses 9+10. Pray about it,and believe it with all your heart,and as the verses following that will tell you, you shall be saved.
God bless you!
Posted by: Mike McMahon | March 19, 2006 at 10:08 PM