Today was so busy, it was a trick and a half just getting prepared for bible study tonight, but, oh, I am so glad that we did it! As I mentioned yesterday, there was so much to do,and so much going on, that Yon son's coattails were flying right straight out behind him all day long,and I was just torn in a bunch of different directions right up to the last minute as well. Which, I am sure, was partialy because the anti-Christ didn't want us to attend, and tried all he could to fix it so that if we did tune in on the Internet, we would be so weary and distracted, that the preaching and teaching and the lovely blessed music would be of no effect.However! It didn't work! I wasn't ready, Yon son wasn't ready, but the Lord saw to it that all things came together so that we were able to tape the message,and listen to it later, and that is just what we did.Praise God! Thanks be to God, no weapon formed against us will prosper! Now, we had a guest speaker,and although I love any preacher who gets up in our church to minister to us, at the same time,I am always (secretly) just the tiniest bit disappointed, that it isn't Jimmy.I know, shame on me, but after all, Jimmy is the man who got me saved, and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for him. Now, I only said that to say this, to me, Jimmy is a hard act to follow, if you will pardon the reference. Yet, this dear brother was one of the few whom, after just a few moments time, I forgot my personal reservations, as I should, and he had my total attention. Not only because he is well spoken and obviously spirit filled, but because he addressed an issue that has been on my heart for a while. And here's the trick with the hole in it. He started out by saying he didn't want to preach on this subject, considering where he was, he felt it wasn't necessary, or it was out of place, but what he didn't know was, he was picking up the same theme where Brother Jimmy,and Brother Donnie had left off! Not that they had preached a message incompletely, but because this is a very involved issue, and it is so on-going and serious, that it needs several hours to address it.In addition, his message was one that resonated in my heart, for reasons previously stated, and I had an almost instant response bearing witness to my spirit that this message was for me,as inspiration for a blog.Understand therefore, that I won't be trying to reiterate the whole evening's bible study, just the highlights,and salient points.In a nutshell, it has to do with those of us in the church being deceived, and the long spoken of "great falling away" of the church. He said, " Believe not every spirit!" Imagine that! Spirits on trial! He used First John,Chapter 4 verse 1, for his scriptural basis,and honey, if they can't find it in the Bible, either they need to study it more themselves,or it just isn't there,and if it isn't there, don't listen to them! So, here we go with testing the spirits.It says, "Beloved, believe not every spirit,but try the spirits, whether they are of God,because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know you the spirit of God(...and here it is..)."Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God ! AND EVERY SPIRIT THAT CONFESSES NOT THAT JESUS CHRIST HAS COME IN THE FLESH IS NOT OF GOD!! Whoa! Now, think about that for a while. Think about that in light of the number of (ahem)" religious" leaders, who have gone on, oh, say, Larry Kings show, and refused to stand up for Jesus. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I can see your head nodding.Personally, the ramifications of that statement alone had my hair standing on end.Then, this dear brother, (I'm sorry, I didn't catch his name, but he pastors a church, I believe in Wisconsin) went on to tell us about a certain special meeting, of " religious" leaders recently, whose aim it was, supposedly, to promote unity. It started out like an old joke, but it wasn't funny. A Rabbi, and some preachers from several different sects were there, and spoke,and prayed.The Mormon Tabernacle Choir was there and sang, I think. A Muslim leader was there, and he spoke, and everyone there stood and prayed to ALLAH with him.Rick Warren was there, and I assume he spoke about his program and his book. There were thousands of people in attendance, and Unity was the message,supposedly,but what kind of unity can be found in such a mixture? This happened February 2, the national day of prayer. The common enemy, according to the king of Jordan, is extremists. He read from the Koran,and prayed to allah, and all those Christians there listened! But we, as Christians, are to discern of what spirit those who preach to us are filled by, and to be aware that there are false prophets in the world, who present the doctrines of devils.
Well,I don't mind being labeled as an extremist, because I am a Christian, and I am not going to go off and listen to, or accept, another gospel, or another God. I do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,and I am not ashamed of it, nor should you be.Nor should you be convinced by some slick talking person that being on fire for God is a bad thing.God said he would rather you be either hot, or cold; what he hates is lukewarmness.If you are lukewarm, he will spue you out of his mouth, he said.Well, Blah! Nobody wants that!