It's a radical thought, but then, I have a lot of those.This is when I do my best thinking.Some of my most thought-provoking messages come to me at this hour.Thus, the name of my site.However, checking out the recently posted weblogs, I am almost ashamed to admit that others of my mind-set, tend to be ah...shall we say, less than inspiring? Sorry fellas, and gals, but most are not the sparkling read that I was looking for. Now, please don't misunderstand me. Some of the wittiest, funniest, most exciting writers have been found by me this way,and to prove it, I point you to my people list, entitled, "Others who think"! Most of them are just fascinating individuals. It's just, tonight I happened in upon a whole raft of blogs that would have been less boring if they had posted the backs of cereal boxes.Gee,I guess that was a little harsh, but it was the nicest way I could think to put it,and still get my point across.It was the best of three options which I considered. I was a bit surprised that I would run into such an uninteresting flotilla, all on the same list, on the same night. The most disheartening part is, I looked for things to like.I always do. Whenever I visit another blog site, I try to find something I can comment just seems like the personable, pleasant thing to do. It's like knocking on someones door.If you don't leave a comment, it's like coming face to face with someone,and then running away, instead of saying hello! So, I searched. I did.But, there was nothing to say. How can you leave a comment that says, I have nothing to say to you, because you are boring? I can't do that. I am not into hurting someones feelings that way.To be fair, perhaps I happened upon a group that in their own circles, are very wait, I'll think of something..uh, insightful. Their blogs were mostly reporting on movements in the business world,such as the CEO of blah-DE-blah is doing this,and frankly, I don't care.Reading this sort of thing, without personal comment from the blogger, is like eating sushi, without the fish, or the seaweed.Dry,bland,and tasteless.Unless, of course, you like plain rice and inedible sauces.I did, however, notice one thing that was prevalent throughout my stroll through the eatherwaves. Almost without exception, there were no comments listed.Okay. I felt sorry for them.I tried.But, when there is nothing to say, it is best, as the King of Siam said, to be silent.And yet, I know I shall do it again.I learned something.Don't go at three a.m. Perhaps Four a.m. will be better! What do you think?