Tonight in church, was one of the most thrilling times of my life.Sounds strange, doesn't it? But it's true. After reading the scriptural basis for his talk, Donnie cut in on himself and told us about a man, named Oscar. He had met him just after this mornings church service as he stood talking to some folks.He introduced himself, and said he was from San Salvador,El Salvadore. The ministry has aired programs all over central and south America,and in that country for many years,and many years ago, they had a phenomenal, powerful crusade in the capital city, in a soccer stadium.And he said, 24 years ago,Oscar said, I was a sinner, on my way to hell, Satan had led me down,and beaten me down to the point that I saw no purpose in living.It reached a point, that one day, I was literally sitting in my house with a loaded pistol.I cocked it, I put it to my head,and I exaggerate not, I was putting the pressure on the trigger,when Oscar said, a voice, came into my spirit,so real to me that it could have been audible, and that voice said, "Turn on the television!" It startled me! And again, it was so real, I put the gun down, and went and turned the television on! And he said, I lie not, I exaggerate not, Brother Swaggart came on the screen.And the words out of his mouth were," The devil has told you to commit suicide! But I'm here to tell you, that Jesus Christ can break the bondages of sin and save your soul!" And he said,in a moments time, Jesus Christ came into my heart...just a few minutes before I'd had a gun to my head, but now I had a song in my heart, a song of praise on my lips, because Jesus had saved me!" Donnie said he never gets tired of hearing of how sinners have been saved, but he was all agog,and said, well, what do you do now? Oscar said," I'm a Pastor" and he smiled",...I Pastor Family Worship Center,In San Salvador! I just came by to talk to Brother Swaggart,and he's left already,but I just came by because, I wanted to tell Brother Swaggart, that 24 years ago a sinner was rescued from the burning embers of hell! Once I was a child of Satan, but now I'm a child of God,preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ!" That's the power of the Gospel.You don't need a counselor! You don't need an AA meeting! You don't need a psychologist ! You need an encounter with the power of Jesus Christ,through the anointing of the Holy Spirit! And I stood there, Donnie said, and I hugged his neck,and you could tell that this man was on fire for God! And then, Donnie Said, I told you this man's testimony to ask you this question. How did this man experience such a miraculous conversion? Now, Understand, he didn't go to church! He was raised a Catholic.But, Not even a faithful Catholic. All he knew and was told was,that baptism, saves. Membership in that church, saves. All he knew was, that if you go to another man, and confess your sins, that man can absolve you of your sin. That's all he knew.(and it obviously hadn't worked for him) He didn't know the Bible. He didn't know that " IF any man will call upon the name of the Lord, they Shall be saved." He didn't know that! Dad did not even give the plan of Salvation. He made that statement, and he told me, " I believed it!" And the moment he believed it, he was SAVED! Now, Donnie's point he was trying to get across was, the ingredient, the foundation, the vehicle, by which this man was able to enter in from death to life,was the foundation, of faith! He didn't understand the bible story, he didn't know all that you know, or all that I know. He knew he was lost! And the moment he heard those words,"Jesus Christ can save your soul," In his heart, he believed those words, and the moment he believed, conversion took place! It wasn't something that happened a week later,it wasn't something he had to go to a preacher and have it explained to him. The moment he said, I believe, Jesus Christ washed every sin, every stain, his past was no longer,he was a new creation in Christ Jesus,old things passed away, all things have become new! FAITH! Faith, Faith! That's how you are saved, that's how I'm saved.By believing what Jesus Christ has done for me.
And, it is the same now, as it was for Abraham.Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for Righteousness. God being the unchanging one he is, the same yesterday, today and forever, the same is true for all of us.Jesus paid the price for our sins, and really, was the atonement for it all, so there can be forgiveness and healing. So, it doesn't have to be done again, Jesus did it all, all we have to do is accept him as the son of God,and what he did for us on the Cross. You believe. You just believe.And, since satan hates everybody, he attacks us, by attacking our faith. If he can rob you of your faith, then he wins.But if you can hang on to your faith, your going to make it.Or, if he can change the object of your faith, he wins. If you put your faith in anything, (I don't care how religious it seems) anything other than Jesus Christ,and him crucified, then he wins.But the wonderful thing about all of this, is, if you find yourself putting your faith in anything else, you can turn back to the Lord Jesus, and ask God to forgive you, and your Salvation is assured,and your no longer going in the wrong direction. However, you are still flesh and blood. Man fails.All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, so our Creator has made provision for that as well. Every champion in the Bible, one time or another, right up until Jesus Christ came on the scene, failed. David, the sweet singer of Israel, the one to whom God referred as a man after his own heart, failed, big time.And in each instance, each story was given to us as examples, of how God deals with man, how he redeems man, and how every time man relies upon his own strength and power, he will fail.It is only when we do things God's way, with his help, that we do not fail. God is our source.Our strength. The only true power any person can possess, comes from God. And, it is still that way today.We put our faith in Jesus Christ to be saved,and then, we have an advocate with the Father. Jesus Christ, himself, stands ready to plead our case, when we stumble and fall, because he is our great high priest! We ask forgiveness, and Jesus Christ, God's only son, goes to the Father,and asks forgiveness for us, saying, Father, I died for him! I died for her! There is more, but this blog is huge already, so in brief, I have just one more thing to relate to you.Donnie made the point that the greater the call, the greater Satan will try to destroy you.It is a very noble thing, a desirous thing, to have the annointing of the Holy Spirit.We must pray for that, and ask for it.But so many times, with younger ministers, to get their eyes on the big things.And they pray for the annointing, not understanding the price that must be paid for that annointing. Because let me tell you something.The annointing can only flow in that which has been, broken.Humbled. Depending totally and completely, only upon the Lord God.As God told Simon, satan has desired you, to sift you like wheat.He was warning him that his faith would be tested. To whom much is given, much is expected. And, the more you do for God, the more satan is going to come against you.You've seen big churches, big ministries, amassing huge congregations, who seem to have it all, and they just sort of float through life, without a worry or a care.They have no problems,and they preach with such light-hearted happy abandon, and never bring up anything that disturbs or upsets their people.Satan never seems to bother them. Well, why should he? That preacher is not doing anything to convict his church members of sin,never gives an altar call, or leads them in the sinners prayer. He's leading them down the broad, easy way that so many follow.Satan has no opposition to that.No. They get famous people up there to shake the preachers hand and give him great big checks to help pay for their latest project,and they smile and get their pictures taken with them, and then that rich and famous person says many nice things about the preacher,and everybody is all happy and cheery,and walks out with the same sin and guilt and stain on their souls they had when they walked in, all talking about what a nice service it was,and nobody got saved. That's not a church that belongs to Jesus Christ. That's a social club. But, look over here.It's a small church, and there aren't a whole lot of members, and big, rich, famous, important people don't frequent that church, because sometimes you walk in, and the preacher is preaching on things that just might make you feel uncomfortable.No, he says things that make you think about your future,and you look around, and the members aren't sitting there with wooden smiles,and plastic faces.These aren't the beautiful people, but they have looks on their faces that makes you pause.They are involved with what the preacher is saying,and sometimes they smile and they laugh, but sometimes, they get tears in their eyes,and they respond to an altar call,and run down to the altar,and there are boxes of tissues there for them, because people cry when they come into the presence of the Lord,and they feel his glory! And, when someone comes to the altar,and they cry and ask for prayer, because they have failed at something, everyone gathers around, and they cry with them, and pray for them and with them, and that is what is so beautiful, because in a true church of God, everyone knows that a true man of God is going to experience opposition.