They did it to me again, just last night.Oh, honey. Oh, Mom, Oh, Featherhead, you look so tired. Don't you feel well? Wouldn't you like to go lay down and take a nap? We'll get out of your way and let you rest! Uh-Huuh. I respond, (said with dripping sarcasm.) I so believe that, too. not. See, they still don't get it.Now, if I have help, I can do that, in practically no time flat.But, left to my own devices, it takes me a good hour...a busy hour, from the time I decide to nap, to the time I can actually settle in bed,and drift off. I think I may have touched on it before, but for those of you who don't know the drill, let me say, there is a lot to do when one still "runs" the house, along with conditions and physical limitations,to actually secure the home, and get themselves all arranged for bed.Water in and water out.Fill my cup, and visit Mrs.Murphy.Find Molly the cat,and make sure she is not in the kitchen with the bird, Teddy.(no re-enactments of wild kingdom in my house!) Make sure the doors are locked.Just those three items alone are enough to fill an hour, considering that my flat is huge, and from front door to kitchen door is fraught with an unbelievable obstacle course with chairs and rugs and cat toys that love to grab on to my chair and tie me up in knots for minutes at a time, that Molly has dozens of hiding places and delights in games.Then, there are the things I must transport to the bedroom from the kitchen and dinning room, it takes me at least two trips, unless there is something I am willing to do without..and I never really want to do without them.I must have my ice water, my puffer, my glasses case, my book of the moment, tissues or paper towels, and a breath mint, just in case I need them. Why? Because once I have donned my jammies,put my slippers just so in front of my bed, turned on the lamp, the oxygen concentrator,and my fans, and rolled into bed, plumped and arranged my pillows,blown my nose, put the air hose on my face,used the puffer, had my sip of water, taken off my rings, used the hand creme, put my glasses in the ashtray,and sat back with my book, I am certainly in no mood to get back up to get something I forgot. So, I must make doubly sure that I have done all it is necessary to do, before I get to that point. But, that is when I am alone.
On the other hand, with help in the house, I can go straight to bed, as I have been urged to do, and then I can say, Oh I forgot this,and did you check that, and make sure the doors are locked,and is Molly in here ? You get the picture.
So, last night, I did it to them.I went to bed, before they could make their get away.I did all I could to do in one trip, and then I settled in, and like the sweet darlings they are, Yon son and the rest of the "family" trooped in to get their good-night kisses,and then THEY said, (ahem) notice...they said, Is there anything else we can do for you?
Okay, it wasn't the nicest thing I have ever done, but it opened their eyes. I know that is true, because half way through the routine, someone said, (slightly exasperated) "Mom! What would you do if we weren't here?"
What did I say?
I said, "AHA!" So, I told them. Point by Point, step by step, exactly what I would do, which was just what they had been doing for me, and I saw little lights going on over their heads." And that is why I usually end up falling asleep in my chair, and not making it to bed!"
And, amazingly,the conversation ended rather abruptly as I recall, things got done, and I was asleep before they left.
Not only did I not have company tonight...but I didn't get a phone call to check and see if I had fallen asleep in my chair,and get scolded about it either.( not that it would have done them any good.)
All but Yon son. He always checks on me, somehow.
And so, to bed!