Directly on the heels of " A Beautiful Mind", this should be headed, from the sublime to the ridiculous.This was also a surprise gift from Yon son,and where it was entertaining, I really didn't much care for the main character, or his language. The only thing that struck a cord enough for me to finish watching this film was his motivation...and the children.The children are most talented and not just in their ability to act, but to sing and play musical instruments. The "hero", played by Jack Black is far from lovable, and the language in spots was questionable, however, it was typical for the person he portrayed. There are some amusing moments, and Joan Cusack was a super addition to this cast.
Caution, it is rated PG-13, for rude humor and drug references.Once again, it is not a new film, it came out in 2003. Where I don't expect it was an academy award winner, or even a nominee, still, it was not without it's own redeeming qualities.For one thing, it was touted by the"New York Times", "The Wall Street Journal", believe it or not, and "Entertainment Weekly"! For another, the final scene is indeed an exciting, rousing production, and for that alone, adults who like music should see this film.
However,I cannot whole heartedly recommend this film for Christians!